Protests across the Islamic World — Instigated by Romney Backers?

Protests across the Islamic World — Instigated by Romney Backers?

By OcJim

Everybody loves a conspiracy theory and some even defend them with their dying breath, but put together enough evidence, exercise enough logic, and put on your perception glasses and one nefarious plot line make sense.

Take the anti-Islamic slide show that prompted protests at multiple U.S. Embassies across the Islamic world. It has all the earmarks of conservative Republican dirty tricks and manipulation of news that can harm President Obama’s presidential election campaign. Of course, Obama is not going to claim Republican involvement. That would play into their hands too.

I know. Many Americans would smack their foreheads and say, “Not another conspiracy theory!”

But seriously, look at history and the facts. Republicans have unlimited money to spend to buy them the power of government rule, and they have reason to believe that spending money will work. Look at the 2010 landslide Republican victories – the House of Representatives and many states went Republican, as Republicans and their Super PACs spent tens of millions of dollars to promise jobs and demonize the opposition. The 2012 elections are seeing hundreds of millions of dollars spent, much of it by Super PACs, donors cloaked from disclosure.

Conservatives chipped away at the American cultural infrastructure that supported a middle class America, one friendly to a moderate America. Our culture has shifted to the right, so-much-so that a sitting Democratic president gives anemic support to unions and beleaguered homeowners, and more to the middle class, but policies which fawn over Wall Street and business in general. Surprisingly that isn’t enough for business giants. They want Romney.

In such a tightrope climate of undisclosed (through 501C nonprofits) Super PAC contributors, dirty trick robo-calls, voter suppression, voter intimidation, and inattentive voters, underhanded ploys to destroy  naïve, unenlightened Democrats and their support groups thrive.

Conservatives must have laughed their asses off after fake videos broadcast by Fox News around the clock for several days successfully destroyed ACORN, the largest most successful national anti-poverty organization in America. One of the fake activists, a flim-flam man, James O’Keefe, has since pleaded guilty to charges of entering federal property under false pretenses when he attempted to intimidate Senator Mary Landrieu for supporting the Affordable Care Act.

Republican attacks do not require facts to support them and never consider possible deadly consequences. Michelle Bachman, unsuccessful presidential candidate and twit, has repeated two manufactured stories promoted by Frank Gaffney, a columnist for the Washington Times (a right-wing rag) and retired General William Boykin (“war on terror is a spiritual battle.”). The first said that Abedin, a Hillary Clinton aide, may be a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood and the second contends that the Obama administration somehow engineered the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. As a result of the internet story, Clinton’s motorcade was attacked in Egypt.

Flimflamming evolved when a bank fraud artist offered would-be actors, most underpaid and underworked, $75 a day to act out scenes that he verbally and mechanically altered to produce an anti-Islam film depicting Muhammad as a vulgar, violent womanizer swaggering in the desert with a gang of thugs. There is no indication a full-length feature film follows and no logical reason to explain the path it took to Middle-East disclosure except to embarrass Obama before the election.

It was promoted by a network of right-wing Christians who hate Muslims, maybe even more than Obama and seemed to make sure it was translated into Arabic and posted before September 11th,after taking a circuitous 3-month route within Youtube.

Republican backers don’t expect to win the presidential election with a bumbling Romney at the top of the ticket and a suave, but dishonest, misanthropic Ryan as his running mate, not without voter suppression here, voter intimidation there, an avalanche of hundreds of millions of dollars of 30-second attack ads everywhere, and Obama’s foreign policy strength diminished in all venues.

And they have a whole propaganda network, Fox, calling itself news broadcasting supporting the verbally-clumsy Romney with built-in broadcasters who work for him. To name a few – John Bolton, Karl Rove, Elaine Chao, Pete Snyder, and Walid Phares

This is the Republican way and it has mostly worked in the past – Carter was swamped by Reagan, Clinton impeached, Bush appointed by the Supreme Court after voter suppression in Florida 2000, Kerry Swiftboated by a Texas billionaire, and Obama branded “The Other” by birthers and Tea Partyers.

Don’t believe this conspiracy theory? Think about it. Given Republican history, what else makes sense?

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