Commercial Headnumbs

By: Jim Hoover Do you have mind-numbing headaches, chronic constipation – or antithetically, worrisome diarrhea? Do you have embarrassing gas that gags others in a crowded room -- something like sewer exhaust? Does your stomach churn like a runaway sauna or does it ache like a mule kick? Do…


Project Remember

By: Anthony Knolls The interesting thing about the Internet is that it has magnified man's nature to gossip and to reveal things that were meant to be kept secret and spread them all over its digital canvas. Case in point, Wikileaks. Yet still many people don't know that Leonardo…


Graffiti v. Post-Graffiti: Words on a Wall

Thus, what Post-Graffiti and graffiti achieve is almost the exact same: the expression of art in an urbanized environment. And while each individual artist has a different reason, purpose, and style in what they're doing with their art, they do each share an essential quality of repurposing originally bland architecture that people run over without noticing until paint (be legal or not) covers it.

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For-Profit Colleges

It's not that surprising to hear people make jokes about for-profit colleges like Devry, University of Phoenix, ITT Tech, and the like, and the illegitimacy of the type of education they offer.

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