Is it time for dinner?


The time change is going to screw up my dogs again!   If you have inside pets, then you know they are creatures of habit.  They will follow the schedule of the human master.  However, when the clocks go springing, they have NO clue.  They know when their bladders are…

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My “Light Bulb Moment “

As Oprah would put it , “I had a light bulb moment.” A male friend and I were sitting on the deck of his beautiful home, slinging back cocktails and contemplating the economy and many of life’s mysteries. (I love these few and far between moments with him. I…

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Perpetual Circle of Violence: Texas Judge Beats Daughter for Using the Internet

View article review at Please be aware; This is very disturbing...

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OH, The Power of Jizz!

Seems that there are some women in Zimbabwe that got arrested for sexually assaulting males for their sperm.  Supposedly, it wards off evil spirits or possesses some kind of other supernatural powers other than preserving the human species, if that isn’t enough, right?. Now, this really piqued my interest…

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Just Steal More

By: Jackson Stevens With headlines ripped straight out of a Charles Dickens novel, finding out that a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 while another man (richer, of course) gets only a 40-month slap-on-the-wrist sentence for committing one of the US's largest corporate fraud cases by stealing…

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The 99% Gets Fractures; The 1% Gets Whines & Dines

By OcJim In full riot gear, a phalanx of several hundred police – Oakland, state, and neighboring communities -- violently dispelled peaceful Oakland participants of the Occupy Wall Street movement in the early dawn hours of Tuesday morning and again Tuesday night, using tear gas canisters, rubber bullets and…

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