How do plutocrats screw you? We can only begin to count the ways.

By OcJim How is it that we allow misanthropes like Republican Representative Paul Ryan, city mayors, and other such actors for plutocrats abuse our law-abiding citizens for speaking out against them and their master class of the one percent? Before the Occupy movement became an annoyance for one-percenters, they…

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Save The Internet

Sign Petition here ---> Posted: 15 November 2011 Right now, the US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world's Internet -- creating a blacklist that could target YouTube, WikiLeaks and even groups like Avaaz! Under the new law, the US…

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Don’t Let Coke Pollute the Grand Canyon

Sign the Petition here @ Credo Action Nearly 30% of waste discarded in the Grand Canyon is plastic water bottles. Tired of the litter, Park officials decided late last year to ban the sale of plastic water bottles inside the Grand Canyon, and $300,000 was spent to install "refilling"…

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Gettysburg Twisted

By OcJim Our troops will come home from Iraq by the end of this year. Will they too join the ranks of the homeless, the unemployed, and the walking wounded – many without hope or help. One could well believe that Jim DeMint, Republican Senator from South Carolina, who…

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U Mad? America’s Obsession with Being Miserable

"Misery Loves Company" is an old American idiom that has sadly become true considering the enormous amount of vitriol, malice and ignorance that is running amok in American political and cultural discourse these days. From politicians to radio shock jocks to ordinary folks, people have no problem with expressing…

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A Little Ticked Off…

Shared By: Joe Bethancourt Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming, Co-Chair of Obama's deficit commission, calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security" to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is…

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