You Might Be A Brainwashed Negro If…

Brainwashed Negro: A Black individual who has internalized every negative stereotype about Blacks and their culture and is seething with self-hatred and low self-esteem. Usually believes that the only path to success and true happiness is to marry or assimilate into White culture, hoping to escape the sins of…

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My Name Is Temptation – My Game Is Seduction

By Andrea Gordon We've only been following 'Temptation' for just a few weeks but have quickly become big fans of their uniquely entertaining and visually stimulating fan page! Page administrators Lily and her partner have done a brilliant job of putting together a captivating theme and quality mixture of…

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Saliva-Covered Israel

By: Geoffrey Yonil While Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has always maintained the country's "liberal, Western, democratic" status, a struggle of Orthodox extremism cropping up in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, among other cities, seeks to end Israel's liberal roots by implementing antiquated policies of gender separation. While official…

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Why it is Patriotic to Not Pay Taxes

By: Adrianne Zhugarb Let's face it, it's not fun paying taxes. That's why there's an entire profession (accountants) hired to deal with the average layman's taxes. But we've been pumped since childhood with these misconceptions and misinformation about how necessary and unavoidable it is to pay taxes. And for…

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Occupy Federal Courts – 1/20/12 – Inspired by Dr. Cornel West

By: On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions. We, the People of the…

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A Corporate State

By OcJim You can talk about any specific issue or problem in our country, some of which are quite vital to the health and welfare of millions of Americans, like jobs, for example. But there is no real solution to any of our problems until we take money out…

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Duck Soup

By: Carl Mandosa Originally, Duck Soup's release was anything but inspiring. As one of the last films the Marx Brothers did with Paramount, it was received with shunned indifference. You might be wondering why, considering it being the Marx Brothers, the Golden Boys of comedy. There are certainly theories…

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