Sabotage is Republican Game plan even with a GOP President

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening an effort or organization through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. One who engages in sabotage is a saboteur. Saboteurs typically try to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions or mask their actions, misrepresenting their intent. On a wartime footing,…

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Vote like your life depends on it!

For those who haven’t voted yet, before you cast your vote for a vile & self-serving man with an orange complexion, making rude and false comments about his opponent/s, think about it. Are you voting out of anger and fear stoked by Trump, Facebook, and Fox News? Are you…

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Trump & Fox working hand in hand: Antifa & QAnon

We might say that the fabric of American society is unraveling, the victim of a desperate Trump whose psychopathy thrives on stoking violence, chaos and division, monopolizing the media, posing as the ultimate authority, and being adulated by his base. His first goal can be disbursed among 940 hate…

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The real perpetrators of the world’s critical problems are in the shadows, actually hiding behind the actors daily portrayed in all the media forums: newsprint, magazines, television, social media, billboards, and books, even the pretend media of fiction, whether movies, novels or plays. The problems are encapsulated in at…

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Republicans: Putin-type Election Tampering

Republicans are growing so perverse in disenfranchising non-white voters that progressive Americans may be left with either accepting their perverse, even criminal, methods or use some form of force to assure the fairness of the 2020 presidential election. Republican electoral victories are dependent on gaming the election system, with…

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His Work Nearly Done

Each added Trump day in the White House is a stellar disgrace, Soiling our pages of history with tinny words & scaly presence. It’s a mockery of what we are and what we mean as a nation. We’ve had sullied moments like this in an uneven history, But Trump’s…

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The Cosmic & the Now: 3 black holes & a criminal troika

LIGO data & flares reveal 3 black holes colliding, In a cosmic space 4 billion light years away they say. Tho here & now America, millions go to bed hungry, While unaware, fat, lazy, & self-idolatrous leadership reclines. The worst, casting a dark shadow by the glow of creepy…

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Life or Death Voting

Any query you make on the internet regarding US elections will render little information on voting consequences for citizens, but a wealth of information on who or what party is leading in current polls. Almost all national media sources focus on the rancor of the race. It is like…

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Trump’s Lawlessness & Disorder

As most of us know, we have a deceitful, dangerous man in the White House. Again, and again, he has proven he will do anything for his re-election. Prior to his impeachment, his lawlessness and impeachable offenses mounted. Finally, his extortion of help from the Ukraine government in smearing…

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