The Prince: Perceptual Misguidance

By: Geoffrey Yonil Machiavelli's "The Prince" is an intriguing text. Both historically and politically, it represents a fascinating study into the mindset of early 16th-century Florentine politics. But Machiavelli's message has often times been misinterpreted. Either out of bad translations or the author's sarcasm being distilled from generation to…


Five Things That Women Don’t Know About Men

By John Shore One of the things in life of which men are most acutely aware is that there are women everywhere. Today, for instance, I’ve already seen five or six different women. And that was just looking out my living room window. And no, I don’t stand in…

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The Secrets of UFO Engineering

By OcJim Over a long period of history, dating back to even before biblical times, tens of thousands of people have observed unknown objects in the skies.  Some ten percent of modern sightings (2009 in Italy, above and 1927 in Oregon, below) of a phenomena we call UFOs, cannot…

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A Taste of the Social Media

By: Erin Cosin A Taste of the Social Media is a conglomeration of interests converging onto one page. Whether you're into politics, religion, protest, science, international news, or just something to make you laugh, A Taste of the Social Media is a one-stop-everyman's shop of internet goodies brought to…

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One Expensive Party

Tucked away in the lower echelons of today's news, and rather reluctantly presented, is the story of two pre-university age teenagers who have taken the government to court over its decision, courtesy of 'Business Secretary' Vince Cable, to allow unversities across England (but not Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland,…

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Gordon sprinkled some food into the fish tank.  The flakes slowly spiraled, pink and yellow and orange, but the guppies had no interest. “Is that new?” Bitsy asked, “Cute!” Gordon leaned down and looked through the fish tank across the room at her and smiled.  She was murky and…

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