Tank Girl

By: Daniel Minox Tank Girl is the 1995 film adaptation of the British comic book of the same name. It's a science fiction story set in 2033 in a future desecrated by a comet that destroyed the surface of the Earth and made it look like any generic mid-Western…


Tom’s Diner — Suzanne Vega

"Tom's Diner" is an a Capella pop song written in 1981by American singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega. It was first released as a track on the January 1984 issue of Fast Folk Musical Magazine. The "Tom's Diner" of the song is Tom's Restaurant in New York City, which was later fictionalized as Monk's Cafe in Seinfeld. The song is written as a…

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WHOF’s Guest Writer of the Month — Dorothy Ducummon

Foreword by Kevin 'Kel' O'Neil (Founder of WHOF) Dorothy Ducummon lives in Tumwater, WA. USA. with her partner Jennifer, and their two teenage daughters. She enjoys waterfall hiking, camping and fishing. She was a reserve police officer for 3 years, and now works as a detention officer. Her goal is to have…

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Invisible Hands at the Pump

By OcJim In The Wealth of Nations, Eighteenth century economist, Adam Smith spoke of the invisible hand that benefits humanity by self-regulation of the marketplace, though guided by individual ambition. Seeking unbridled privilege by government, huge corporations have consistently used this concept, most recently when their own invisible hands…


Why You Shouldn’t be Scared of Anonymous

By: Malachi Cane First and foremost, let me explain that I am in no way shape or form a spokesperson or representative of Anonymous. Ironically, this article’s thesis is exactly that: no one is the spokesperson of Anonymous, because for that to be true, Anonymous would have to be…

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