Not All Choice is Free: Why demand religious exemption for contraception, but not the death penalty, torture, or unjust war?

By Louis A. Ruprecht, Religion Dispatches On November 2, 1984, Velma Barfield became the first woman to be executed in the U.S. since 1962, and the first to be executed in the State of North Carolina after the nationwide moratorium on the death penalty was lifted in 1976. She was…


Beyond Pillow Talk

He had her number and he knew it. He watched closely and savored it, as she climbed atop the mattress and sighed deeply. He knew it from the first moment he laid eyes on her. Long tan legs, curves in all the right places, and eyes that sparkled with…

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Love is ALL That Matters

Here's the real deal: it is time for people to start speaking up for love, to start speaking up against all forms. It's the only way we're going to change our culture. It's the only way we're going to start seeing the incidences of bullying, hatred, violence and intolerance towards LGBT teens or anybody perceived to be different.

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Solaris – A Review

Science fiction is a world of ideas. That’s why we allow its practitioners such leeway in the quality of their prose. It is rather hard to be a man of ideas and a prose stylist – it’s rather like a metrosexual engineer – a rare breed. When you throw…

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