Matter in Perspective: Navel, Solar, Galactic, & Universe

  While we rotate around our own axis of myopic concerns, programmed to be first-class consumers, and culled like sheep by corporate America, we unknowingly rotate with the earth eastward on a 23.5° tilt at somewhere around 1000 miles per hour, at the same time mostly unaware of zipping…

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Tat’s Life

Tattoos are one of the very few creative acts you can do completely independently: poems can go unpublished, paintings unsold, music unbought, films unwatched, but tattoos are instant and permanent works of art that can be added to, erased, reconfigured and redrawn an infinite number of times

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We’ve Been Gamed

With all this effort on the Democratic side and money on the Republican side, they still get the lying, smiling face of Scott Walker for maybe 3 or more years, the plutocratic hand-puppet.

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The Racist Next Door

According to statistics, whites are going to be the minority in this country by 2042, so some whites are running around like chickens with no necks, worried about keeping their notions of white superiority intact.

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