The Ralph Reed ‘Come to Jesus’ Scam!

By OcJim After falling from grace for his insidious connection to the Jack Abramoff scandal in 2005, Ralph Reed is back in full force. Not convicted but being disgraced as part of the Evangelical circuit, Ralph Reed is again running “Jesus” scams for politicians, this while a reformed Abramoff…

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Doctor Tries to Cure Homosexuality and “Abnormal” Gender Behavior in Females With Experimental Drug

Dr. Maria New, a pediatric endocrinologist of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Florida International University, and psychologist Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg of Columbia University, are once again in the news with their controversial experiments on female fetuses with the experimental and dangerous drug dexamethasone (DEX) after Dr.…


Prop 8 Saga May End, as *8* the Play Ascends

Marriage equality is arguably the civil rights issue of our day. Since the Stonewall Riots of 1969, which opened the closet door on a history of oppression and rejection for the American LGBT community, great progress has been made, but not enough. California’s Prop 8 story epitomizes the battle…

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Liar, Liar!! Pants on Fire!!

By OcJim Here is one Romney campaign  lie!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the facts disputing that lie: Between October 2009 and the present, the unemployment rate has fallen from 10 percent to 8.1 percent. In October 2009, there were 129.5 million Americans with full-time jobs. Today, there are 133…

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Stop the Pussyfooting – Male Genital Mutilation

I’m finding myself dismayed by the directions the debates brought on by a German court’s ruling - that the circumcision of male infants (which I will refer to as male genital mutilation or MGM from now on) is a criminal assault - are most often taking. I concede that…

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Aurora Massacre

By OcJim How much longer are we going to permit massacres in our country? For too long a minority force in our society, mostly represented by the National Rifle Association (NRA), has dictated what governs the common good in terms of domestic safety and security. The problem is that…

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