The Bookie’s Daughter Free Kindle Ebook Dowloads for 24 hours only.

UPDATE: FREE Kindle ebook downloads for taboojive readers! For 48 hours only, taboojive readers can download Atlanta author Heather Abraham’s “The Bookie’s Daughter: A Memoir of Growing Up in a Crazy, Crime-Ridden Family” recently rated #1 on Amazon’s “Top Rated Memoir & Biographies of Criminals.” The Bookie’s Daughter is…

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It’s Lizard Brain versus Critical Thinking

Those who consume news about the Taliban’s war on female education, like the shooting of Malala Yousufzai,  perhaps don’t realize it’s a more widespread attack on education, considering the frequent destruction of school buildings in Pakistan and Afghanistan. At least 600,000 children in northwestern Pakistan alone have missed a…

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A Pugnacious Tagg Romney

Tagg Romney, Mitt Romney’s eldest son, has reason to wax pugnacious against President Obama, and it’s not likely that it’s just Mitt’s honor that Tagg is defending. Apart from defending a campaign strategy he reportedly forged in the last two weeks, Tagg and investors in Tagg Romney’s firm, Solamere…

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