Can Gravity Be Cancelled?

We all see gravity at work when we take a step, throw something across the room, see rain fall, or leaves float to the ground. For something so common in our lives, it is still a mystery. We have two tested theories, not very recent theories at that: Newton’s…

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World AIDS Day: My Friend Jake

“Oh, my God. Are we gonna die?” My good pal Jake (not his real name) and I had just consumed an entire package of Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies. We were hanging out in my dorm room, and, for some reason (being stoned as a wheat cracker), we got it…

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Mallory Owens: a Hate Crime in Alabama

Any man who beats up on a woman has a special place in Hell awaiting him.  Any man who brutally beats a woman nearly to death because of her sexuality not only holds a reservation in Hell but also a warm spot at a penitentiary. Hopefully, for a long…

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An Anti-Ageism Elixir

Acceptance of the status quo would never have ended slavery, won the vote for women, or secured marriage equality in the District of Columbia and nine states. As with any other negative ism, ageism shouldn’t be swept under the rug with a smile and a promise to ignore it and just proceed.

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Renewed Global Recession

In avoiding a renewed global recession next year, we must know by now that we can’t rely on our dysfunctional Congress, a president swayed by the Kool Aid dispensed by a mainstream media owned by the rich and controlled by right-wing propaganda, and certainly not a court system overrun…

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High School Horror: THREE Students Commit Suicide in Seven Weeks

We’ve got a problem.  And, it’s a huge problem.  It’s common knowledge to anyone with a pulse, by now, that there’s a problem with teen suicide and bullying.  So, I’m not breaking any news there.  The problem we’re facing runs deeper, if that’s possible, than the issues of bullying…

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