Some Are More Equal Than Others: Q & A With the Child of a Gay Parent

This week the Supreme Court continues it's argument on weather lesbian and gay couples have the right to marry in The United States.  While equal rights, justice and the obvious morality of not excluding a group based on their sexual preference is all well and good, most intriguing are…

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The Cruz’s are coming

Don’t expect a quick victory over the plutocrats who have gained control over our government, our media, and our culture. They have unlimited money and the unlimited power that money commands to take over your lives, your fortune and even your minds. Their strategy and their plans have always…

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Q&A With Poet James Schwartz On Being Q&A

James Schwartz is the author of The Literary Party: Growing up Gay and Amish In America, a work of poems and short stories.   His poetry can also be found in Among the Leaves: Queer Male Poets On the Mid-Western Experience, Milk and Honey Siren: A Nostrovia! Poetry Anthology and…

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Trans Life

In the spring of 2012, I was hired as a middle school science teacher. The experience alternately elated and terrified me. One of the most terrifying moments came in March. I was discussing genetics with the 8th grade, trying to teach them the basics in time for the state’s…

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Faith in the Unknown

Could you even imagine an airship originating from another world – autonomous, or maybe flown or guided by an alien creature? Even our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – commonly called drones you probably haven’t seen, unless you live in Pakistan, Somalia, or Yemen, not a welcome sight, I’m sure.…

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This American Angst

This American Angst I suppose it began on September 11th. In fact, I know it did. It was the day I realized the whole world had changed, not just my own. A sense of vulnerability never felt in my lifetime emerged, and hasn’t left since. As a baby boomer…

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The Koch Heads — of Plutocrats

For decades, billionaires David and Charles Koch have secretly been trying to remake our government and our society in their radical conservative image. It appears that they want to impose their values on 300 million Americans, indeed affecting the entire world’s population. They don’t intend to do this through…

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History should point us in the right direction

Most of you have all heard the saying or its paraphrase, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” words actually written by George Santayana. This concept has a special meaning now when special interests – those with an agenda – try to guide us in…

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