Edge of the Unknown

This is an article about self-harming, from someone who regularly self-harms. The point of this article is to try and explain why I do it, what it means for me and how I see a future for myself without harming. This is a long history, and I will be graphic, and if…

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Real Tea Party (GOP) Death Panels?
Cartoon by: Bart Roozendaal

Real Tea Party (GOP) Death Panels?

Under Obama’s health care law, from 2014 through 2016, the federal government will pay the full cost of opening Medicaid to anyone, who earns up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $15,282 for a single person this year. Over time, that share will decline until…

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Your Blackness is Not My Blackness So Please Stay in Your Lane

The social media can be both a curse and a blessing. It is a blessing because you have the opportunity to read the viewpoints of millions of people. However, it is also a curse because very often, you are also exposed to the ignorant arrogance of people. Especially when…

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Hate The Government?

Discussion topic submitted by: Scott Hacker, Taboo Jive blogger/admin Just a few thoughts on this line of thinking. When it comes to venting, be sure your anger and frustration are aimed in the right direction. People who rail so hard against the Government need to understand that Government is…

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Time Magazine Top 100

According to Managing Editor, Nancy Gibbs, Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people (with Beyonce on the cover) are significant achievers of the past year and likely to continue their powerful ways. One assumes those already showcased in past issues, are less likely to currently appear. Remember the criteria is…

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White Supremacy, Reality TV, and The African-American Woman
image credit: thestylefeed.com

White Supremacy, Reality TV, and The African-American Woman

The history of African-American women in America is one in which there has been much joy and a lot of pain. It is not easy being a woman in this society, particularly an African-American woman because they have three strikes against them. They are women, strike one. They belong to…

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Corporate Takers!

An informed audience – at least one not sated with propaganda -- would turn off the constant stream of demonization of the so-called “takers” perpetrated by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity -- the whole Fox News crew. If Fox were “fair and balanced,” their pitches of poop at the poor…

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This Koch’s not for you!

A few months ago, the Washington Post looked inside the Koch brothers political empire[i].  The Post said, “The money flows through a complex maze of tax-exempt groups and limited liability corporations, creating multiple barriers that shield the identities of the donors.” Over twenty organizations are shown, but probably the…

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