Pagan Liberal

Pagan Liberal

By: Cassandra Melano

Pagan Liberal is a Facebook fan page for those with a particular taste in both theology and politics. It’s not for the faint of heart, nor the conservative of spirit. But rather embraces the openness of life through celebrating progressive liberal attitudes that extol the connectivity of existence rather than imposing mental barriers.

As their current profile picture of a D.H. Lawrence quote states, “The Christian fear of the Pagan outlook has damaged the whole consciousness of man.” Pagan Liberals realize that the Judeo-Christian institutionalization of society was not a positive influence on humanity, contrary to much popular belief. Christianity has meant epochs upon epochs of fear devolving into hatred catalyzing into wars, slavery, bigotry, corporatism, with an overall and general life-denying nihilism that has led us into a 21st-century that’s conception of the individual is this lone island devoid of interpersonal relation to one another.

The Pagan Liberal is a fan page devoted to contesting the lull and anesthesia that man has been in by providing a forum for those willing to opt in and participate in the conversation. They encourage members to contribute to the dialogue without the fear of persecution or judgment.

But Pagan Liberal is not just for Wiccans and Pagans, or any theology related thereof, but is friendly to those who are just simply liberal, either politically, socially, theologically, or any other way you can imagine. As most liberal mindsets, Pagan Liberal is a vessel for communicating progressive ideals to combat the hatred and bigotry of those that wish to perpetuate the mental and physical barriers that contribute to the current power structure.

Whatever your delineation may be, you’re sure to learn something new and interesting each day from the Pagan Liberal Facebook Fan Page.

To learn more and follow: Visit and like their fan page here —> Pagan Liberal

Enjoy a popular Pagan/Wiccan chant by watching the video below…

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