Oogling Google

Oogling Google

By Midnite Writer

 With the anticipated unveiling of Google’s new privacy policy March 1st, it has raised new concerns about the vulnerability of internet users’ identity and the theft or mishandling, thereof.

 No matter where you go on the internet, you are being watched…..tracked….stalked by Cyber Voyeurs.  With every click of your mouse, they stick their cyber needle into your vein and suck out your identity.  Then, with a precision cut of their cyber scalpel, they cut your identity up into little bytes and pieces to become more effective and efficient to their target markets. They are the internet pimps who whore out your private information to any paying trick to make money.  It’s not just Google, they all do it—Yahoo, Doubleclick, Aboutblank, Amazon, Facebook, just to name a few.  At least Google came out of the closet to make their new internet privacy policy public; and admitting that they were farming your data, selling your data, and making money off your data.  Last year, Facebook blatantly explained in an interview with Time Magazine how they farm your data, what they do with it, who they sell it to, and how they use it to make money.

 What does the new Google privacy policy state?

If you haven’t done any reading or research on this up-coming event of the unveiling of their new privacy policy, you may want to arm yourself with some basic knowledge of all the internet farmers mentioned above.  You can access the privacy policy of any major search engine; and, if you can understand the blah, blah, blah, then I suppose it makes what they are doing legal. (The jury’s still out on this one).

 Who is going to be affected by Google’s new privacy policy?

Google users are.  If you have a Google account or an Android application-based smartphone, you are subject to Google’s new privacy policy.

Can I opt out of the Google Privacy Policy?

 You cannot opt out.  But, you can choose to use it to your advantage and get the best deals the internet has to offer from your friendly Google shopping service at your door.  Google is convenient and user friendly. (Wait, I think that’s an oxymoronic statement).

 Some information resources on the internet explain how to disable and delete your Google Web history as a defensive tactic so they can’t “see” you.  Will this really stop them from tracking you or watching you?  Not really.  It only temporarily limits them as to what they can use your information for and the period of time they can use it.  Do we have choices?  Sure we have choices!  For now.  Remember when Microsoft wore these shoes some 15 years or so ago cornering the browser market with IE?  There is always IE9!

 So what can you do to protect yourself? Not much; but you can hide in the “white noise” of cyberspace.  Don’t give them a reason to cast their eyes upon you. The internet is the biggest money-making effort of all time, and nobody owns it.  Yet…..

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