Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Ms. Henry

I am a writer who does not write as much as I should. I have some talent, but I do not have the passion that is truly necessary to be a writer because most of my passion is being used to find full-time employment. It’s hard being a writer when you are broke as hell. I need money and in this society, you don’t work, you don’t eat. I am trying to make it by way of my wits, so when I finally decide to write, I write about things that are bothering me. Like the economy. Like the fact that myself and millions of other Americans are either unemployed or underemployed. The powers-that-be and the corporate media are trying to bamboozle the American public into believing that everything economical is okey-dokey and our broke asses should run to the malls immediately and spend, spend, spend on overpriced, tacky looking junk.

The Republicans swept into power in November by pretending that they were really concerned about the millions of Americans who were fucked over by the Great Depression of 2007 and Beyond and would put them back to work. Full of hubris and glee, they shouted to the rooftops that the American people had spoken and swore that they would do their duty by them. However, once elected in, they took their suits off, reverted back to their native snake skins and proceeded to enforce their perceptions of reality on everybody else by taking away funding away from Planned Parenthood (Indiana), trying to redefine rape as “forcible”, and slashing the shit out of any program that assists the poor such as WIC, early childhood education, heating assistance and any other crumbs that poor folks had managed to lick off the floor after the masters ate.

I mentioned the poor instead of middle-class because the very term “middle-class” has become archaic in American society. If you have to work everyday because the money you make will pay your bills in order to live, then you are poor. If you survive off your job and good credit and happen to lose your job, your credit score dips due to missing payments and you can not find employment, would you be okay financially? If no, you are poor and stop pretending otherwise. The concept of being middle-classed was merely an illusion perpetrated by the media, credit cards companies and several mortgages on homes that have since lost its value. But as usual I digress and please forgive me.

Although economic times are dark and dreary for the average individual, to my surprise and delight, after several years of suffering silently, some members of the American public have decided to fight against the powers that be and shut shit down. Public sector workers in Wisconsin and other states have revolted against the government by protesting in the thousands against legislation that would take away nearly all collective bargaining rights from most public employees. It feels good to see people in my country stand up for their rights, even though these people are being made out to be greedy, trifling, individuals who are sucking off the Great Government Tit at the taxpayers’ expense by certain media outlets and politicians. The sad part about this is that some people actually believe this nonsense and are attacking unions, blaming unions for the demise of American society.

It is amazing how gullible and ignorant of American history some Americans are. Unions were responsible for the 40 hour work week, abolishing child labor, and making working conditions safe for ALL Americans, not just those who are in unions. I guess Karl Marx was right: According to false consciousness, a concept associated with Marx, people can be misled by the dominant ideology (the common set of beliefs and values taken for granted in their society) to act or think in ways contrary to their best interests without necessarily even realizing it. It happens all the time here in America and it is pathetic. As long as the corporate masters are able to afford their mansions and give out an occasional crust of bread, some of us are content to live in hovels and sprout rhetoric straight from Fox News. But some of us have waken up and decided to fight back.

P.S.: To the Republicans who offered false hope to millions of delusional Americans who voted their trifling asses back in power: WHERE ARE THE JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am a woman. I am an African-American. Belonging to two minorities has shaped my viewpoint on life in more ways than I can count. It is not easy being a woman in an inherently sexist society. Add skin color to the equation and you have me. This is my world and my viewpoint. You do not have to agree with my thoughts but in the end, you will respect me
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