Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

By: Denise Fabec

 In the last few years, we certainly have been living up to our reputation as a free nation.  With the outsourcing of jobs, corporate cutbacks, and millions of square miles of empty commercial property on hand, it has most definitely become a buyer’s market for goods and services.  Our economic structure has now been flooded with people attempting to survive by doing “their own thing”; and they are willing to do the job for pennies on the dollar.  Sometimes, they are even willing to barter services or do the job for free in hopes that a future paying opportunity will be their reward.  Just take a browse through the biggest freelance job board on the Internet (You know, that free one, of course). 

Barter is one thing, but where does anyone get the right to ask for labor, talent, or services for free? 

 The brave ones who are still in business that expect a fair dollar in exchange for goods or services have been forced to drop prices to remain competitive and are hanging on by a mere thread. Competition in the marketplace is fierce!  We have created a dog-eat-dog, rat-eat-rat situation.  Will our nation just become one big commune where everybody works for free or lives on barter?  This may sound a bit ridiculous, but what has happened to our economic structure is also a ridiculous situation.  Our nation’s supply and demand is way out of balance. What has this done to us as a nation?

 There are natural laws that govern the ebb and flow of supply and demand.  Why can’t the “Power Houses” just let things take the natural course instead of feeding stimulus money into corporations that absorb or withhold it instead of using it for which it was intended?  If each and every one of the American people were given stimulus money, they would have paid off debt, bought new cars, stock, maybe a new house and much, much more which, in turn, would have stimulated our economic structure in a fair and balanced manner.

 Instead, corporate America outsources jobs to other nations because of cheap labor.  Maybe if we wait long enough until our self-destructive cycle comes full-circle, global nations will start outsourcing back to America for our cheap labor.  So, how low can we go? 

Low enough to rebuild the American economy one small business at a time and bring work and jobs back to the US of A!  Yes!  It’s time for new business revolution! We have more than enough knowledge and hands in this country to build a county that would kick the ass of the likes of Europe and Asia. We did it once after WW2 and we can do it again by felling the corporate redwoods one at a time and selling them for firewood.

Yes, we truly are the land of the Free and home of Brave!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Very inspirational. I’m a small green business in my 2nd year, and I’m still a good bit fear full it won’t last past it’s 3rd year because of large corporations that can add my business as a service and charge way cheaper prices.
    I can wait and see or sell my biz near the end of the 3rd year, or get a sba loan and increase in size to compete with the larger corporations.

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