Just Like a Pill – Pink

Just Like a Pill – Pink

As noted on Wikipedia: Pink has named Madonna and Janis Joplin as two of her biggest musical influences. She stated that “I wanted to do it my way with my career, and I had this arrogant notion that people weren’t just interested in my music but me as a person. That was my bit of arrogance, I guess. That’s something I learned from Madonna. I was a fan right from the first time I heard ‘Holiday’. Of Joplin she expressed: “She was so inspiring by singing blues music when it wasn’t culturally acceptable for white women, and she wore her heart on her sleeve. She was so witty and charming and intelligent, but she also battled an ugly-duckling syndrome. I would love to play her in a movie.”

Now a person can only speculate as to the real meaning of this song but I think she’s comparing the man in her life to a pill. She’s saying that this guy has been like a drug to her, and so far, spending time with him has been like a high but now its getting old, and she feels addicted. Instead of making her better and being good for her – he is making her ill – like a bad drug.

Comment below and tell us what you think this song is about or what it means to you.


I’m lyin’ here on the floor where you left me
I think I took too much
I’m crying here, what have you done?
I thought it would be fun

I can’t stay on your life support, there’s a shortage in the switch,
I can’t stay on your morphine, cuz it’s making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again but she’s being a little Bitch,
I think I’ll get outta here, where I can

Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you’re just like a pill
‘Stead of makin’ me better, you keep makin’ me ill
You keep makin’ me ill

I haven’t moved from the spot where you left me
This must be a bad trip
All of the other pills, they were different
Maybe I should get some help

I can’t stay on your life support, there’s a shortage in the switch,
I can’t stay on your morphine, cuz it’s making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again but she’s being a little Bitch,
I think I’ll get outta here, where I can

[Chorus: x2]

I can’t stay on your life support, there’s a shortage in the switch,
I can’t stay on your morphine, cuz it’s making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again but she’s being a little Bitch,
I think I’ll get outta here, where I can

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