It’s Winning — not issues!!

It’s Winning — not issues!!

It was 30 seconds of Melissa Harris-Perry on an MSNBC promo for education, community, and family, but some 65 minutes of Fox News and media-gorging on other right-wing sources – all like feral dogs after raw meat.

Melissa’s statement:

We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children.  Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility.  We haven’t had a very collective notion of “these are our children.”  So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.

If quoted completely the part not quoted, especially by “tea party” sources is the last sentence of the MSNBC promo.

Once it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the household’s, then we’ll start to make better investments.

           The comments from right-wing sources did vary somewhat. For example, “tea party” spokespeople shouted (without their citing the last sentence of the promo) that the MSNBC promo proclaims, “your kids really belong to the state,” saying that “liberal/progressive/socialist ideals like that have become the new religion of the left in America.”

           Again giving the same incomplete quote of the “tea party,” Glenn Beck opened his radio show last Monday with the usual “conservative faux shock,” gasping that Melissa Harris-Perry claims “your children don’t really belong to you; they belong to the collective.”

Sean Hannity cackles, “My kids do not belong to the quote ‘whole community.’” Michelle Malkin testified tartly, “This sentiment broadcast on MSNBC – which […] it’s confirmed stands for Maoist Socialist Nutballs Broadcasting Company – should send a shiver down every parent’s spine.”

This small sample excludes the bellicose Rush Limbaugh, the mealy-mouth Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, and a host of other radical minions, most citing socialism, communism, and collectivism at the very base of MSNBC’s promo.

On her latest show, Melissa trying to analyze the diatribes, announced: saying “some people are just haters” is too simple. Instead she dealt with it as an issue difference and doubled down on the notion that “children are not private property.”

Considering that right-wingers want to privatize everything, subjecting all endeavors to a market economy, there is definitely an issue difference, but I maintain that it goes far beyond that. It’s more of an issue of power and control. Conservatives know we are not a “conservative nation;” we are left of center, so they must control the focus, the debate, and the dialogue.

Attack anything and everything associated with progressive ideas. Drown the media with your outrage (even if faked). All conservatives must walk lockstep like an army. Issues are only a means to achieve that. It has worked well; so much so that aggressive techniques of Republicans intimidated and cowered Democrats, who now throw their punches when defending the people.

For example, Democratic presidents since Reagan, meekly do the bidding of the plutocracy, Clinton supporting deregulation of banks in 1999, supporting a false drug war, and weakening a welfare the indigent often need. More recently, Obama saluted Wall Street at every turn, while completely abandoning foreclosed households, and bargaining in weakness against Republicans.

For their plan, most elements of a conservative infrastructure are already in place: unions are weak and punch-less, government is bought, huge corporations are uncontested, media is huge and corporate-owned, banks control the flow of money the federal reserve feeds them, the Supreme Court is packed with conservatives, who even gave the presidential election to a Republican, and while government serves the rich, it is still demonized.

Conservatives, funded by the monolithic corporate structure, have realized for almost half a century that they must control all cultural elements in our society, but key to its control is the infrastructure that supports people power. That is the conservative target: government, the media and unions.

With the election of Ronald Reagan the relentless attacks began: Government is the problem, Reagan said and that chant continues; Reagan began the deregulation of media and its consolidation under corporate power; the air controller strike and Reagan’s harsh putdown began the focused assault against unions.

Now, at the beginning of the second decade of the Twenty-first century, we see a plutocracy so in control that even a misanthropic Republican candidate who writes off 47% of the electorate has a chance to win a presidential race.

I think it is more than evident that Republicans are not serious about representing constituents, but are serious about controlling the message, alienating voters against government, and obstructing and winning elections at all costs. Like their right-wing media screamers, they will continue the mock outrage, the demagogic attacks, and the suppression of voting in key states under their control.

All evidence proves that they do not care about issues, not about jobs and not really about the deficit. Their shouting voices set an agenda toward cutting budgets, repeating such messages Ad nauseam, until it becomes a fact burned into your brain. The cry for jobs is rhetoric, something Republicans never pursue and something huge corporations deem a distant second to profits.

Still in the minds of progressives, addressing issues, but now in a defensive crouch, is the essence of winning elections. The old media did not allow gross lying. Democrats have not fully learned that the new media does. Contrarily, Republicans are New Machiavellians, fully utilizing the modern media, propaganda techniques, double-speak, and deception. Their approach is a unified, ruthless, and relentless. Such duplicitous communication is scripted and coached through a well-financed machine, featuring “word-speak” experts like Republican consultant, Frank Luntz.

Their media infrastructure operates independently now, attacking such targets as MSNBC’s promo, which speaks of public education and the common good — neither serves the 1%. They will attack any target countering their agenda for the rich like pit bulls after raw meat.

It’s not really about issues. It is about controlling the media, the message, the debate — and winning at all costs.

And somehow they will shift the cost to us.


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