Is Perry Running for Head Tyrant?

Is Perry Running for Head Tyrant?

By Jim Hoover

It is hard to see Rick Perry as either rational or serious about anything but gaining power. By all appearances he is an anti-federalist who wants to lead what he deems is a tyrannical union. Maybe he wants to declare himself a tyrant for Texas.

Does he believe himself to be a Superhero, or is he just another Joker.

Empirical evidence points to a phony, an opportunist, a religious hypocrite, a narcissist, and/or a low-scholastic-achiever.

Or could he be just an opportunist with charisma able to engage radical fundamentalists and raise big money to run for president of the US. If he is elected president, we will have to alter this description.

His many radical right-wing stands are a whole page out of the beliefs of evangelical conservatives and are a litmus test for such radicals, but after he gets the nomination – if he does – expect him to backpedal the most radical of his beliefs for the general election. After all, such secrecy about governing intentions worked for all Republican governors of the states that went totally against the people.

He officiated over the execution of 234 death row inmates in Texas prisons and received rousing cheers at the last Republican debate when he celebrated that fact, in response to moderator, Brian Williams’ question about his role and whether he sleeps at night, due to wondering if an innocent person has been executed:

Nonplussed, Perry responded, “no, sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all,” he said. You can also bet that he wouldn’t struggle with taking away your social security, allowing companies to poison your food, promoting low-wage jobs (the job bonanza he brags about), allowing child labor and dumping Medicare.

His two books made it clear that he thinks all of these things are unconstitutional. He has prominently called Social Security a “failure” and “an illegal Ponzi scheme” and casts doubt on the constitutionality of federal laws on food safety, minimum wages, bans on child labor, environmental protection, and Medicare.

The November, 2010 book Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America from Washington reads like a conservative radio host looking to stir up controversy among listeners and declares almost everything progressive and productive unconstitutional except a pregnant woman.

Debunking social security alone is problematic for someone who plans to run against Obama in a general election.

Could he hide such radical right-wing views in the general election? These same views were there for other so-called Tea Party candidates who were elected in the last election. All hid their enmity of the people, later voting massive education cuts, union-busting efforts, and tax cuts for corporations.

That is how we got the Koch Brother’s candidate, Governor Rick Walker and his right-wing Republican legislators in Wisconsin. From the same right-wing factories, we got Rick Scott of Florida, Rick Snyder of Michigan, Paul LePage in Maine, and John Kasich in Ohio, a former Fox News announcer, and that doesn’t name the nut representing Florida in the House. If voters bothered to look at their backgrounds, past statements and note their rich supporters, it would have been obvious that favoring rich corporate interests were their priorities, that over people interests.

Perry’s credentials also include an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). He possesses a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) and brags about “packing” in his book, all requirements for the “radical right-wing” green card.

He brags about his achievements in Texas, though as of 2011, Texas still ranks at the bottom of many educational indicators. It has the lowest percentage of adults with high school diplomas, and ranks low in its high school graduation rate. It is 49th in verbal SAT scores in the nation and 46th in average math SAT scores.

He has insulted Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, saying Texas “would treat him pretty ugly” because he is almost treasonous, “printing money to play politics.”

One wonders, with Perry’s many demonic characterizations of everything “federal government,” including a veiled threat to secede from the union, is he planning to run for his own version of “head tyrant of the USA?”

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