If You had the Power to Change One Thing…

If You had the Power to Change One Thing…

Just for the record, at the time of this bit being posted we’re approaching the end of March, 2012.

In an effort to get some answers and feedback on some of the more controversial topics facing our nation today, we decided to ask our fans and following audience on Facebook to articulate a message to the following question, for a chance to win a Taboo Jive coffee Mug for the best two answers. (decided by our editors)

There were several great answers and replies, but we felt like the answers we’re especially reveling of one particular choice, which is the reason for publishing this post. Many people had a lot to say about the importance of just how influential this topic is on nearly all of the other choices and how by addressing this one area may have a positive effect on the other controversial choices.

See if by reading these responses you can guess which topic choice is the one we’re referring to in the previous paragraph. Enjoy a very thought provoking read… and if you have anything to add, please leave us your answer to this question below…


“If you had the power to change and make any one of the following controversial social issues be the way you think it should be, starting tomorrow, which issue would you choose as the most important, how would you choose to make it and why? Please add any ifs, ands or buts to your choice.”

– The right to an abortion

– The right to own a gun

– The welfare system

– The death penalty

– Rights and services for illegal immigrants

– Legalization of marijuana

– Equal rights for gays

– The separation of church and state


* Note: The first two responses were the voted winners of the contest from Qiana and Melody. In addition to many runner-ups.


“I would make the separation of church and state completely absolute. In my country all politicians and law-makers would be forced to support their viewpoints with logic, reason, and facts. These facts could NEVER include, “In the Bible, it says…” nor could any other quotes from religious texts or deities be sited. In all public debates about legislation and who should be elected to what office, politicians would be required to depend on their good ideas about how to make my country a better place. No political campaign could include information regarding a candidate’s religious affiliation to prevent favoritism based on faith. This would be the new “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (regarding your religious orientation:-). This would mean no campaign funding from religious organizations, period. All campaign funding would have to be publicly acknowledged and the donators identified. Receipts, politicians! I want receipts! If there was complete separation of church and state, the people running our (my ideal) country would be forced to make sense to ALL of us, to cater to ALL of our best interests, and to keep their moral judgements at home where they belong. Women wouldn’t HAVE to fight for the right to abort unwanted pregnancies because science would be adequately taught in all public schools. People would understand the difference between a zygote and a fetus, a fetus and a baby,etc. Kids would get adequate sex-ed all over the country in all public schools and teen pregnancy would fall dramatically. Homosexuals wouldn’t HAVE to fight for equal rights because their equal rights would already be a given in a country not run by a bunch of rich, religious zealots. And without all of our religious differences driving us apart, we could come together peacefully as a nation to “fix” our social issues with real plans of action without the taint of sentences like, “You’re going to hell” and, “God is going to punish you, sinner” and other such unhelpful nonsense.”  – Qiana H.


“I would definitely change the “equal rights for gays”. My reasoning behind it ties into the whole “separation of church and state” thing, but it also comes down to the fact that the government should never be able to tell you who you are allowed to love. Homosexual marriage isn’t any more of a threat to society than interracial marriage, marriages between people of age difference, or even a marriage between a tall man and a short woman. The notion that gay people have an agenda to destroy “traditional” marriage is insane – what’s harmful about committing yourself to the person you love through a legal and/or spiritual ceremony? Marriage is about celebrating LOVE.”  – Melody A.


“There must be separation of church and state. for too long, people have waged war and slaughtered innocent people in the name of religion and their God. in order for our country to adhere to the thought that we genuinely are a “melting pot”, we must maintain a separation of these two. people are allowed to worship, or not, freely as they see fit but to impose personal beliefs on others under the guise of government should be criminal.”  – Kate D.


“The Separation of Church and State: Almost every other social problem can be traced back to religious groups try to wield power in government. Completely separate these two and block the ability for one to influence the other…… we’d have much better lives.” – Alyssa R.


“I would permanently separate church and state. By doing this other things would be given a more balanced review under the laws and efforts by our government.

I would create a system to evaluate each program and piece of legislation to make sure that religious doctrine is not a basis or used as evidence for it. No one’s belief will be taken into account; rather hard facts and science as warranted will back these new programs or laws. As long as something can be found to benefit the larger population then it will be evaluated on those merits.
Example: Federal money to those adoption agencies which deny any one set of people based on anything besides ability to parent effectively.”  – Christine F.


“Legalization of marijuana. The “drug war” has done more harm than good. Ask a good number of kids where they first learned about drugs, and they’ll tell you it was in the anti-drug classes. Legalize marijuana, and you have instant tax revenue, and a massive boost to the economy.” – Gwynne M.




“I would say the separation of church and state. Seems to me if we really and truly had it, most of the other important issues mentioned wouldn’t actually be issues. Plain and simple.” – Brynn J.


“If you think about most of these issues are because we don’t have a true separation of religion and state…if we actually buckle down and think about it its true..most, not all, but most people against abortion its because their religion says its wrong, same with gay rights, and the death penalty. That’s 3/8 of just American issues you posted alone that had to do with church vs. state. I am catholic and I’m gay but those don’t define me,I don’t impose myself on others because its “my way”every one has a right to believe what they want to and most of my friends are from an array of religions that are not mine but that does not change the validity of their views. Yes be religious, be spiritual be whatever floats your boat but do not impose it on others like Congress seems to make it to be. I don’t care if I get likes and I don’t care if I win, all I care about is a better future for the next generation.”   – Laura Z.

“The right to keep and bear arms is not “an issue”, it’s the law of the land, enumerated in the Bill of Rights. I would remover all laws that interfere with the legal ownership of firearms, and have no mercy on those that commit felons with them.” – Blaine G.


“Wow, this is a tough one. all are hot issues that get me fired up. but i think the separation of church and state needs to be reinforced. it is infringing on the rights of gays and women in a very sad way right now. and i think that needs to change. you cant have religious fanatics trying to tell all people how to live because every one’s experiences are different and one religions rules dont apply to everyone. we all need to be tolerant of all religions instead of trying to change people’s views to fit our own. it just doesnt work that way!”  – Terri A.


“Separation of church and state definitely. Religion is what makes most of our issues into issues.” – Heather B.


“I would go for seperation of church and state hands down. If we fully seperated, wich is why the pilgrims came here was for religiouse freedom. Although I was reading last night and it was only for thir religouse freedom, others were still horribly punished. Anyways, if we finaly truely held them apart all other issues seem like they would fall into place. Abortion would be the personal choice it is by nature, gay marriage and all rights would be left up to the eople wanting to get married. It doesn’t have any effect on anyone else but the offeneded feeling peoples religion. Honestly get rid of using your belifes to make laws would for once give women equal rights wich we still don’t have today.” – Tonya F.


“The separation of church of state. While it supposedly exists we still have states like Pennsylvania declaring it the year of the Bible. While the government of the United States is not to establish a state religion we have politicians trying to legislate what women should do with their bodies based on the bronze age beliefs of Bible. In Indiana tax payer money has been given to private (church) schools through voucher programs while public schools are starved for funds. In 2012 we have people running for president of the United States that would block rights of gays to get married based on their interpretation of their Bronze Age Bibles. I’m not sure what other states have it but Indiana itself has a ban of gay marriage in it’s constitution. Get the fucking religion out of politics and they can start getting their equal rights, right wing religious nuts could stay off of a woman’s right to choose. Replace the religion in government with a little reason and we could solve the other problems.” – Anthony B.


“Rights and services for illegal immigrants. I don’t mean to offend. Please. But I work in healthcare. And we are spending millions and providing absolutely free services to illegal immigrants. Our taxes are paying for this. As well as paying for the border patrol that takes them back. Sorry. That’s a double standard to me. I believe they have the right to be here. Just not legally. We all work hard. An we’re getting nothing but rising costs of living. Yes I know they do the jobs we don’t want. For which I’m grateful. But become legal. Get a better job. Live the American dream. But pay taxes. We all do. And it’s not right that they get free benefits and we don’t. Again. I’m sorry if I offend. I see this every day. And it sickens me. To watch someone who worked legally have to pay a copy for healthcare services rendered. But the illegal immigrant is not responsible for a penny. Just my 2 cents. Thank you for listening.” – Stacey C.


“Right to an abortion, get raped and become pregnant that way, carry the rapors’ child for nine months as a reminder if the rape was not bad enough, then what, adopt? Be that child, can’t imagine. Mom doesn’t want to talk about dad, no idea who the guy is…..or say you were adopted out, looking for your parents and find you Mom, ask her why she gave you up for abortion.” – Ali K.


“In my opinion, the most important would be the permanent and irrefutable separation of church and state. Organized religion is anathema to the world and society en-masse. it’s an antiquated system that should have died out at the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Believe what you want, sure. but keep it to yourself and keep it out of secular Law. Religion is the reason there is no marriage equality, nor equal rights for the LGBT community in the first place. I have never heard a single non-religious excuse for the banning of gay marriage and gay rights. Not one. Religious pressure is also the reason that marijuana is illegal, while more socially acceptable poisons like alcohol and worse, cigarettes are still perfectly legal to consenting adults. And while that backwards logic still stands, there will never be change. Religion has no place in a government institution. This is not a theocracy, nor was it ever intended to be. Free-worship, yes. But not a Church-State. Organized religion is not necessary to run a nation. There is a distinct difference between belief and Law. Law respects the rights of all and does not sacrifice itself for personal belief. Law must be impartial, to -all- faiths as to provide equal treatment for such a diverse society such as ours. The last few months is more than enough proof of what would happen should we be forced into a theocracy by the fools pushing for a Dominionist Christian America. It would bring open revolt. There would be burnings again, no doubt. non-Christians are already stigmatized for their beliefs, even though we harm noone. We deserve the America we were promised. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. And as long as Religion is a stone around our necks, that won’t happen. Secular Law for a Secular Nation.” – Garry S.


“I choose, the Welfare system.
Why not other, seemingly more popular topics like “seperation of church and state” or “equal rights for gays” etc? Because it all comes down to one thing: the state making choices for us. As an anarchist I prefer a society without state, for its the state’s concern to guide and protect ALL of its citizens, and I believe that an individual should have the right to choose whether she or he is governed or not. With or without a state, two gays can go to a pro-gay priests and get themselves married (just not getting any marital benefits), you can smoke marijauna if you wish too, and no one with religious ties can set up laws and regulations that will affect everyone.

Instead I will focus on welfare.
Welfare because everyone needs help in some way. Some of us are old, some of us are sick physically or mentally, but we all need some attention if we want to. Welfare is looking out for your fellow human being and making sure that they are allright. I’m dissatisfied with the current system of welfare though. Everyone is forced to pay taxes and in return they’ll only get a small amount of money back (especially in my native country where childwelfare is literaly as much worth as a sandwich per month). Also, the requirements to get in line for welfare are screwd too.

Tomorrow I will wake up and search for like minded people to brainstorm. We will then influence and inform other people to our cause and our intentions: to donate money and goods to the people who need it. We’ll trust mouth-to-mouth info on where to find these people, connect with them and find donators. We will work in small communities and completely voluntary donaters giving away what they dont need/want.

My system is not the best system or the most effecient, but it is practical in the small scales I’m thinking off. The difference between the anarchist welfare system and the state’s one is that with the anarchist one, its voluntarily and more humane. And you are free to receive or donate as you wish, and this fits the spirit of compassion more than the state’s system.” – Zerachiel VM.

“If i could change any of the above, I would have to change the laws about the death penalty. I personally think that we should go by the old “an eye for an eye”. if your a child molester, rapest, murder, etc. I would make it so that you get the same done to you, with the same crulity and brutality as you dished out. You stab someone to death, you get stabed to death, you rape someone, you get raped, you burn someones house down, yours gets burned down. Its only fare right? I dont think they should have to luxury of sitting in a comfy prison, being feed three times a day, and then peacfully put to sleep. HELL NO! An eye for an eye MOFO!” – Daniel C.


“I would say the abortion one but it really is too limiting. Years ago I had a shirt that read “What would you do?” and on the back of the shirt is read” Make healthcare a right not a privilege.” as with other countries, making healthcare accessible to everyone would make the burden less on everyone. Perhaps the insurance companies could spend their time supporting research to cure/ prevent many diseases instead of bilking people of every last cent they have!” – Tina B.


“Equal rights for gays, it’s 2012 people, let’s get with the programme.” – John R.


“Gay rights!!!! I would choose for it be equality for everyone. I have heard that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. The sanctity of marriage has been ruined by straight marriage. let everyone have a equal right at happiness.” – Linda J.


“Equal Rights for Gays. They have been fighting forever for the same rights as everyone else and want to be able to live happily like everybody else. Who’s to say they cant? That is what I would change and why is alot of my friends are gay and all they wanna do is get married to the man/woman they love.” – Kyle B.


“Separation of church and state… I would choose to enforce the separation of church and state in the U.S. Especially in recent years, there has been a shift to integrating Christianity into our culture more and more. It’s to the point that many Americans believe that we are a Christian nation when in reality, our founders came to America to escape religious oppression.

I had a hard time deciding which topic to write about because I’m a very passionate social justice advocate. However, I believe that if we truly have a nation that practices separation of church and state, some of these other very important issues such as allowing women a choice in what they do with their bodies and equal rights for homosexuals will likely fall into place without religious dogma impacting our laws.” – Maureen C.


“The welfare system-
alot of the budget crisis comes from the overwhelming ammount of people collecting “welfare” and other forms of government funded assistance. I would implement random drug testing and invoke a 3 strike policy unless you have prescriptions to verify dirty urinalysis tests. Having lived on the streets and seen just how many people are wastefully receiving assistance to use for drugs, alcohol, and other bullshit i think once a good chunk of the recipients fail the 3 strike policy itd help free up some money for those who truly need assistance.” – Ted K.


“Seperation of Church from state , Then all the other issues would fall in line.Most Rightwing Christians are anti-abortion,anti-gay marriages, pro-gun, pro-death penalty… If we took care of our country the way it should be taken care of by doing what is RIGHT because it is RIGHT and not because GOD says so , We would be so much better off.” – Michal M.


“I would say separation of Church and State.

In Australia, we don’t have the death penalty. We have a lot of different backgrounds and beliefs. America is always portrayed as being ‘Christian’ although there is technically no ‘formal’ religion. So, if a bunch of people who believe in God allow the death penalty, after a conviction, isn’t that judging someone, and then sentencing them? And isn’t one of the 10 Commandments “thou shalt not kill”? You can’t have it both ways- you can only have one. If the Church and Government were separated, there’d be less hypocrisy, in that regard.

Here, politics and religion are always talked about. This person is an athiest, so they’re no good for that job, and neither is that catholic person, because they’re catholic, etc. Why should it matter? If they can put aside religious beliefs (or lack of them), and do their job, isn’t that what matters? If they feel they can’t do their job, because of their religion (or lack of it), they shouldn’t take it in the first place. However, the conscience vote should stay, as that can also be personal opinion.

We’re having abortion debates here too. I think that abortion should be legal, but only under certain circumstances. For a legal studies assignment, I researched the Menhennet ruling, and I think the reasons listed there are valid. It shouldn’t be a form of contraception. It should be because it’s NEEDED not WANTED. If the Church had no say in the law, there wouldn’t be problems, because right now, the church and the state are debating it, which causes more problems.

The legalisation of Marijuana would be beneficial to a number of people- not just pain sufferers, but insomniacs, people with eating disorders, etc. It would also make sure the amount is controlled, and equal, and safe. The church couldn’t say anything against its legalisation, because it’s not their concern- if they were separate. And being controlled and monitored- well, look at Amsterdam.

Equal rights for gays shouldn’t be an issue in the first place- but the church makes it an issue. People are getting sick of hearing about it. It can even tie in with the welfare system, to a degree- they recognise same sex couples as the same as het couples, but don’t allow them to marry? So they want them to have the same benefits, but not? How does that work out? Because the church doesn’t want same sex marriages. But the state runs the Births, Deaths, and Marriages offices.

Owning a gun is a state issue. Either way, the church should not have a say in it, unless they want to take over the registrations, etc. Which they won’t. The rights and services for illegal immigrants are in the same category.

So, basically, if the church and state were completely separate, many, if not all, of the other listed issues, would no longer be issues. Except in cases of personal opinions, which are personal, and sometimes, even in conflict with church beliefs.

Sorry for the length, but I wanted to cover this as best as I could- a way of waking myself up, really, lol. Need more sugar (don’t drink caffeine).” – Samantha C

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