Hot Liberals

Hot Liberals

Check out this fresh, fun and sexy Facebook Fanpage called “Hot Liberals.”

Keeps you up to date with great little reports from the lefty side of the fence in addition to some most excellent photo Albums.

Here’s what they’re about…

“This page is out to promote Hot Liberals who make us laugh, cry, and inspired. This is politics with our hair down. Liberalism promotion mixed with sex and hotness. Sarcastic comedy that may not be for everyone, so please also, be aware of the language on this page.”

Here’s another short clip of representation from their fanpage Notes…

I am a Liberal.
I am not a slut, a whore, or a “baby killer.”
I’m a Liberal.
I am not a free loader, a criminal, an alcoholic, or a drug user.
I’m a Liberal.
I am not anti-American, gay, or anti-Military.
I’m a Liberal.
I am not a vegetarian, an Atheist, or anti-guns.
I’m a Liberal.
So, I guess you could say that I’m an America-loving, monogamous, abortion-supporting, hard-working, sober, financially stable, higher-power believing, meat-eating Liberal.
That is all.
So, give ’em a ‘like’ and get into their news-feed, you won’t be disappointed…

Hot Liberals FB Fanpage

Hot Liberal’s Photo Album

Beautiful, talented, and registered Democrat Sandra Bullock has been a public supporter of the American Red Cross, having donated $1 million to the organization at least four times. Her first public donation of that amount was to the Red Cross’s Liberty Disaster Relief Fund. Four years later, she sent money in response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamis. In 2010, she donated $1 million to relief efforts in Haiti following the Haiti earthquake, and again donated the same amount following the last Japan Earthquake.

Abortion: “I’m for a woman’s right to choose – completely.” George Clooney

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