HELL Does NOT Exist – It Is A LIE To Control Victims With Fear

HELL Does NOT Exist – It Is A LIE To Control Victims With Fear

Religion teaches and enables the toxic conditioning of conformity to our children and young adults by threatening their ‘eternal lives’ with burning in Hell.

Following is a few words from the Facebook Fan page creators on the description of their page and their intention to educate seekers of the truth.

“This is a resource to help people find the truth about the evil religious lies of Hell. Do not be afraid, Hell is a fraud to control you with fear. Threatening children with hell is mental terrorism, torture and child abuse. Hell is a psychological attack on a child’s developing mind. Hell is a major factor in forcing children to believe the lies of religion. Without the myth of hell, religions would gasp for air as their numbers would plummet with every generation.”

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