GOP Scorched Earth Policy to Kill Health Care

GOP Scorched Earth Policy to Kill Health Care


If American voters would make Republicans pay for their odious misdeeds, most of our governing problems would be over. There is a lot to be despised about Republican rhetoric and Republican actions, but probably the most reprehensible at this time is their plan to destroy government along with the lives of over 40 million uninsured Americans. Add to that, spitefully causing a default on our debt, which would impact more hundreds of millions – Americans and global citizens, and even more over decades.

Why? It is due to a deadly – yes, deadly — political attack on Obama and Obamacare. The potential dead are perhaps some 10% of the 40 million uninsured – senseless, early, most likely, undiagnosed diseases, going terminal from neglect, leading to the untimely and preventable death of some 4 million uninsured victims – men, women, and children.

This is akin to war crimes – crimes against humanity, for the GOP has engaged in an all-out war against Democrats, in effect, against the vast majority of American people since the time of Newt Gingrich and his cynical Contract with America. The collateral damage includes all Americans too poor to withstand Republican misanthropic policies.

Republicans are intensifying an already hot propaganda campaign to further demonize Obamacare, previously failing to kill it, defund it, or enlist their buddies in the Supreme Court to strike it down. Their goal is to so severely poison the product that the uninsured will reject it, especially the young, their absence making it much more expensive, something the GOP favors.

Launching a multi-million-dollar campaign to torpedo Obamacare before it gets started, their efforts are now frantic with the October 1st signup date for affordable health care. With Obamacare’s destruction forever in mind, their effort is especially directed toward the young.

Accordingly, the GOP goal is to mislead the young and relatively healthy about how the law works so that the uninsured get scared and don’t enroll. A few months ago, polls have indicated that just 27% of people ages 19 to 29 (higher for low income) had heard of the health insurance exchange marketplaces, where people who don’t get coverage at work will be able to shop for insurance plans, making them vulnerable to Republican propaganda.

But Republicans who control many states have even thrown a wrench into efforts to make health care available through Medicaid. Some 26 states do not have workable plans to extend coverage for the uninsured, in effect, leaving some 12 million Americans out in the cold.

The GOP is counting on ignorance among the uninsured as well as unenlightened voting among voters, this to help them maintain the Republican war against the people. So far they’ve been quite successful in gerrymandering crucial districts in Republican states to set in concrete their advantage in the 2010 election, an election proffered by hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign funds from their masters, plutocrats. Their drill, which seems to serially work, is to promise to nurture the interests of the people, like promote jobs, but once elected, do the opposite.

GOP plans to keep the electorate intractable, angry, and divided works to their advantage, in effect, conning votes out of emotion, ignorance or spite. It sounds quite cynical to say, but an undereducated, unhealthy, divided, and under or unemployed populace is a better fit for voting Republican.

Therefore, rejecting good health for some 22 million people is another step in that direction. Their next lie can blame Democrats, labor unions or moochers for whatever problem comes up.

For over a generation, their war against the people has gradually tightened a noose around the necks of some 90% of Americans, choking off their means to afford a better life.

That continues to be the Republican tactic, and they will stick to it as long as it works.

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