“Trust me, you will rue the day you sat home and did nothing while thieves posing as politicians stole your Great Lakes State from you.” Stated Michael Moore in his “Letter to my Fellow Michiganders” on www.MichaelMoore.com.
Michael Moore is an Academy-Award winning filmmaker and best-selling author. He is a man who has opinions and ideas on everything from what Obama should be doing to what the people of New York should not be doing at Ground Zero. Of course his opinions are just that: his opinions. But I find many of them making sense. Like, if we as a country, celebrate the death of a murderer, like Bin Laden, then we are no different than said murderer. I am not one that is going to rejoice in the death of others but breathe a sigh of relief that the war should now be over–or should possibly never begun in the first place.
Moore seems to be a man who’s opinions and snafus of what is going on is much sought after. You can see him being interviewed on CNN about his thoughts on current events. What makes Moore opinions so special? Is it because they are morally correct and carry a lot of truth to what we Americans really feel? I think most Americans are looking for a problem solver and not so much a “politician”.
Moore is now trying to bring light to all the injustice brought on Michiganders by Governor Snyder. Also in the “Letter to my Fellow Michiganders” Moore stated that, “These actions are breathtaking when you realize they will drive our already battered state straight into the ground. What we needed right now was an inspiring leader to help us reinvent Michigan and to find creative ways to create new jobs and lift us out of our economic depression. The rest of the country may call what they’re experiencing the ‘Great Recession,’ but few argue that Michigan is suffering a ‘one-state Depression’.”
Michigan is in need of a hero! What do they always say, “If you can’t beat ’em Join ’em!” Maybe, Michael Moore, it’s time for you to step-up and be that “inspiring leader to help us reinvent Michigan!” Run for office. I say “ Give US Moore!” We need those of strong character and moral correctness in office, that’s the only way things will ever be as they should be! Michael don’t rue the day that you did not do what you are fully capable of doing: Saving MICHIGAN!!!
21 May 2011I agree fully. An election between a figure like Michael Moore and Ron Paul is exactly what this country needs. The results of that election would be very symbolic. Ron Paul has proven he can win on a local level in a Republican district, but if he was able to match his true beliefs up against Michael Moore’s true beliefs on a national level, it would give us all a great feel for where this countries feelings truly lie. Neither can win against a politician willing to say anything to get elected, but against each other they can say what they truly believe. Dare to dream.
27 May 2011Unions are what drove Michigan to the brink of destruction, Unions had their place at one point in history but that has come and gone. Now having Michael Moore running for office, you are kidding right.