Freedom for Survivors

Freedom for Survivors

“The best two things women can do to utilize their strength in this country is to organize in solidarity for their legal rights and use their power in voting for the political party that best supports their interests” – Unknown

All the controversy surrounding reproductive rights in the U.S. has woken up a sleeping giant around the world: WOMEN.

We’re currently experiencing a very critical moment in time where women (and many men) around the world, are paying closer attention, more now than ever, to decisions being made by Church and legislators, in regards to women’s rights.

As a result, support groups for women’s rights are popping all over the internet and especially on Facebook.  One of those groups is called: Freedom for Survivors.

Freedom for Survivors is a global movement founded by two women named Leia Peison and Allyson Engle. Their collective mission is to ensure legal reproductive health and rights for rape and abuse survivors in the U.S. and around the world. They work towards ensuring that laws everywhere safe guard victims by securing access to abortion and emergency contraception; securing access to anti-viral medications that prevent sexually transmitted diseases after rape AND having a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) present in every emergency room to assist survivors in the immediate aftermath of a tragic experience. In addition, being prepared and having on hand the use and timely testing of rape kits to ensure perpetrators are brought to justice. This and many other activities are all part of a way for people to stay informed, organize and sustain women’s human and legal rights.

“Men and women from all walks of life are welcome to join and support our goals and mission” – Says Leia. ” Legislative alerts are updated almost daily on our page with contact information, as recourse, to the representatives in question. Networking with other abuse survivors as a way to band together and accomplish goals is also frequent.”

Let us not forget that the rights and freedoms of women is directly related to men, since we both coexist in the same society with one another. We must not forget our essential differences in the sociopolitical spectrum, despite the glaring misrepresentation of women in politics. Instead, both sexes should strive to ensure one another with the same protections and rights that the other enjoys. If we do not, then we are not democratic. If we do not, then we regress as a society. But if we do, then we could see a hopeful and equal society that progresses into the future by providing essential amenities and resources for all of its citizens, no matter their sex, race, creed, or orientation.

In this election season, both women and men should be conscious of their political choices by staying informed about what their vote could implicitly mean for the country’s future in ensuring the rights and liberties of all. While women may not have any choice in being abused, they do have a voice within this democratic society by engaging in productive dialogue that constructively bridges understanding between women and men, and Freedom for Survivors strives for such goals by providing useful information that can be accessed by all, and then utilized by the enlightened.

Please take a moment to click over to their Fan Page and join their group to support this most important cause and mission. Thank you for your support.

Find their Facebook Fan Page here —->  Freedom for Survivors

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. I appreciate that a significant amount of women believe they have a right to kill their unborn child. Their right to contraception is also a major issue. It is ridiculous to say that by my not paying for your abortion or contraception that it is some how being denied to you. The progressives have done a good job of perverting the discourse. Anytime a conservative wants you to pay for something yourself it is somehow an assault on rights. The vermin that are still raping and stealing at Zuccotti park are a good representation of what our society will look like if we continue this decent into a something for nothing society.

    1. How much time have you devoted to supporting organizations which help provide quality childcare to working women? Have you actively opposed the reduction of funding in support of fostering and adoption services, of disability funds, of work assistance programs? Have you actively supported candidates for public office who make reducing poverty not just an issue but a priority? Have you done the same for candidates committed to universally expanding access to quality, affordable health care? Are you committed to providing quality education to as many Americans as possible, regardless of income? How are you working to make that happen? Progress on each of these issues will have a greater impact on reducing the number of abortions in this country than fighting to overturn Roe v. Wade ever will, and it’s the difference between being pro-life and pro-sensationalism.

    2. @ Tuo – Talk about someone that is misinformed: “It is ridiculous to say that by my not paying for your abortion or contraception that it is some how being denied to you.” Tax money does not now nor has it ever paid for abortions..”Anytime a conservative wants you to pay for something yourself it is somehow an assault on rights.” No, it’s the fact that you “conservatives” are trying to force your blind book-bound morals onto the rest of us despite the fact that all beliefs/non-beliefs have equal standing according to our Constitution…”The vermin that are still raping and stealing at Zuccotti park are a good representation of what our society will look like if we continue this decent into a something for nothing society.” I see that you are one of Fox News/Rush Limbaugh’s “ditto-heads” not once looking up or verifying a rumor (and that is exactly what that last line your uttered is) for yourself. So far there has not been one verified case of any of the OWS people raping or stealing anything, but of course you won’t believe that since you have happily allowed yourself to be brainwashed by Fox/Rush/O’Reily/Hanniety etc.

      1. I understand that you feel smart repeating what your Union controller told you the talking points are…but my views are informed by life experience. I work on wall street and as a result I support the disgusting life style of the vermin through my taxes. Which makes it very ironic that they have made it harder for me to go to work.
        When it comes to abortion and insurance. Any competence on your part would allow you to understand that mandating the purchase of insurance makes it a government controlled industry and any financial support for an institution that provides abortion is a direct support of abortion. The financial aid frees up capital that is then used on killing unborn children. Not hard to understand.
        If the progressives would kindly stay out of my pockets it would be appreciated. The chameleon in the white house would have earned some respect if he supported civil rights, but as the progressives prove time and again, their “civil libertarian” stances are just a red herring that allows them to call the neo-nazi’s, that are called “conservatives” these day, hypocrites when it comes to supporting small government. I couldn’t agree more on that front.
        Kindly, stop projecting when you accuse others of having their views dictated by “news” networks. I’m sure MSNBC would be proud of you.

    3. I have yet to see where ANY organization has asked ANYONE to pay for someone else’ abortion. Planned Parenthood does not use ANY government funding for the abortions they may provide. Which, in case you’ve missed it, is a VERY small part of what they do. Denying financial assitance to women seeking contraception, which is not just for the prevention of pregnancy, would be the same as denying Medicare to the elderly. Just because someone is unable to provide medical coverage for themselves, does this mean they should not get it?
      There are 5 million women in this country who suffer from endometriosis. Certain types of contraception ease the pain and discomfort of this condition. Should they just suffer with it because people like you, Tuo11, don’t want to pay with your tax dollars?
      Millions of women in this country use certain types of contraception to ease the extreme pain of menstruation that sometimes occurs. Do YOU want to tell them TOUGH!?
      And if your going to compalin about the “vermin” in Zucotti Park, just remember, properly used contraception would have prevented THAT as well.

    4. I appreciate that a significant amount of conservatives believe they have a right to enforce forced organ donation. Their right to control other people’s bodily and life choices is also a major issue. It is ridiculous to say that your personal religious beliefs should allow you to deny medical care to your employees or anyone else. The conservatives have done a good job of perverting the discourse. Anytime a patriarchy wants to restrict access to something *only women* require, it is an attack (particularly when similar men’s products are left out of the medical imposition). The vermin that are still raping and stealing at congress/Wall Street/ the doctor’s office are a good representation of what our society will look like if we continue this decent into a do nothing for nobody society. Universal health care for all.

  2. @ Tuo – The pervasive belief that somehow ANY health care that isn’t “My” health care is automatically a handout by the Federal Government paid for by “my taxes” seems to be one of the major issues the commenter has. First off, how about we dispel that rumor right away?

    The majority of people in this country with health care, pay for their own health care. Even those on government-sponsored programs are still paying premiums and minimums. Many of them are women, and many of those women believe that their health care should at LEAST partially cover their birth control medication, in EXACTLY the same way that their male partners’ Viagra prescriptions are covered. They aren’t asking for a “handout” to “kill their baby.”

    Secondly, the choice as to whether or not you conceive a child based on a religious standpoint is a personal choice that IN NO WAY should be required of every citizen of the United States, as this has always been a country founded on the precepts of Freedom Of Religion, which means my religion has every bit as much right to representation in the law as yours does.

    Conversely, the right to have the options at hand to safely prevent pregnancy, or to medically treat issues like ovarian cysts, or to prevent the needless death or maiming of a woman whose body is violently rejecting the fetus inside her, is a HUMAN RIGHT. It is one that women have had in this country for decades, and is now, piece by piece, being taken away from them.

    If your religion cries out against you doing these things, then by all means, don’t do them. But the LAWS of this country have not, and never should, be based on one religious group’s arbitrary decision as to what should be moral for ALL people.

    1. @ Julia Willette: Standing Ovation!

    2. Lets take the Viagra argument…agreed. The answer to that issue is not to give out more free things…it’s to drop Viagra from mandated coverage.
      Secondly, don’t give me the “religious” babble. You’d be hard pressed to find someone less religious.
      Thirdly, it is not a human right to have everything you have listed PAYED FOR. Government indifference is freedom. If it is not illegal then you are free to do it.

  3. this is how our own govt keeps us divided- with labels. There are no such things as left or right, conservative- liberal problems.

  4. Agree with politically pissed plus the big issue I see is who is is that says the government, therefore our taxes,are paying? We want the insurance companies, who are more than happy to take my money in premiums, to pay for it out of all the money they are taking from all of us women while denying payments for what should be covered! It is a fact that they pay out less than 10% of what they take in and all the rest goes into their own pockets!

  5. I feel if we are going to start saying what we will and wont pay for things then lets do it …. dont tip toe around it. Some people disagree with being treated for cancer in a high end Cancer treatment center. They think herbal is the best way to go… does that mean we should stop! Or better yet how about all those people that we are treating for AIDS bc they couldnt keep their legs closed!!!! Should we stop that??? Im just saying if we are going to debate this as a country then dont pussy foot with it>> And when we start picking stuff apart lets get everyone’s opinion…. People are not being realistic! As far as RAPE ….So lets bring a child in this world who will always be labeled. Who will know they are here bc of such a horrific act on another humans rights …PLEASE people pull your heads out of your butts…..

  6. My religion insists I don’t pay for the stupidity of others. I wonder how much THAT will cut my taxes and insurance premiums? — Repubs like to say they won’t pay for abortion and contraceptives because they believe abortion is immoral, and it’s the woman’s choice to have sex so she should pay the price, literally. So I’m saying, what if I practice a religion that forbids me from paying for ANYONE’S so-called “stupid decision”? That’s essentially where their argument is headed. And there’s a whole lot of stupid that accounts for insured medical care and wasted taxes out there.

  7. I still don’t understand how tax dollars pay for ANYTHING that is covered by insurance premiums paid to private insurance companies!! The Republicans keep screaming about their tax dollars being used! Unless they are talking about medicaid, their tax dollars are not even relevant to the conversation.

    — If it has to do with religious organizations having insurance that covers women’s health care, then that’s a different subject. Your freedom of religion is no more important than my freedom FROM your religion.

    Health needs trump religious beliefs. Period.

    1. I understand that you are limited…but it is not hard to understand that when the government mandates that you buy the insurance and also mandates what the insurance must cover, that it is no longer a private industry. Stop with the liberal double talk.

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