Facebook Human Resources: A Power House Network & Community

Facebook Human Resources: A Power House Network & Community

ABC: Anti-Bullying Coalition


ABC is a Non Profit Organization based out of Michigan City, Indiana

About Us:
We are passionate about implementing pro-active anti-bullying solutions into our school system and as far around the world as we can grow! We have found such need in our community to advocate for families as well as help change the belief that “kids will be kids” and “it makes them stronger” with the knowledge that even one bullying episode can have life long negative effects. And although our program is currently focused on school time bullying, we hope to spread the word; bullying is a personality and it spans all ages and crosses all boundaries; race, religion, size, gender, socioeconomic status, educational level, sexual orientation and does not stop in High School but continues on to the workplace, retirement homes, private clubs, organizations, it’s everywhere. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support! Share the word!

ABC’s Mission Statement:
ABC: Anti-Bullying Coalition advocates against bullying to bridge the gap between families and schools. We believe strong community ties and events are critical to teaching life-long acceptance. Dedicated to providing resources to parents and children facing the challenge of not being heard, our Coalition looks to collaborate with schools to develop and implement pro-active solutions. Working together, we can stop bullying in its tracks.

This page has been created as a place for families affected by bullying to come together and brainstorm ideas, share links and information regarding bullying, bullying effects, personal stories, helpful resources and news reports. We will bridge the gap between parents and school administrations as strong advocates against bullying and FOR a well executed, universal, anti-bullying action plan.

We aim to END bullying in our schools, playgrounds and extracurricular activities.

Join Page admins Tanya, Cari and Candice at ABC by finding and liking their Facebook Fan Page

Thank you for your support!!



The Equality Mantra


The Equality Mantra: Love is a terrible thing to hate.

Page Description:

“We all bleed red when pricked. We all cry salty tears. We are all the same. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

If you “like” marriage equality, repealing Prop 8 in California, the end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, repealing DOMA: You’ll like this page. If you’re encouraged by the six states that have passed marriage equality, and hope the other 44 will SOON follow suit, then this page is definitely for you.

If you long for equality across the colors to be a reality, you’ll like this page.

If you dream of the day when what we look like, how we worship, where we come from, and who we love are issues that no longer have a seat at the table, you’ll like this page.

If you model love and compassion, and hope to make the world a little bit better by caring and sharing, rather than by denigrating and tearing down, then you’ll like this page.

Please join, and suggest that your friends join. Share your stories, your pictures. Share yourselves. Share the love.

Together, we can glorify the marvelous diversity of humanity, while believing, fundamentally, that we are all the same.

Join this most excellent fan page, hosted by Rachel, by finding and ‘liking’ them here —–>  The Equality Mantra



 Stop Teenage Suicide



Stop Teenage Suicide  is a group of heartfelt, genuine and understanding people banding together on facebook offering community and hope to those feeling lost, alone and/or confused about their purpose and direction in life. Supported by Kevin O’Neil at Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook; ‘STOP Teenage Suicide’ is administered by Lyndsay Winegarden, who maintains and updates their page with a straight-forward message: “I will not give up. I will not stop, until the rate of suicide for everyone is at 0% – especially for our children.” The mental makeup of those who commit suicide is an intricate web of emotions, suppression, pain, and suffering; the members of STOP Teenage Suicide are attempting on a daily basis to help untangle the compounded web, offer refuge and help individuals realize their importance and unique role within this world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds. In addition, for every suicide there are at least 20 attempted suicides. The damage within these individuals is endemic of modern society, and rather than casting them off, STOP Teenage Suicide, and groups like it, are extending a friendly arm to those who need it.

So, what can you do?

Donate to help lines and organizations dedicated to helping those who have suicidal intentions.

Join STOP Teenage Suicide in solidarity on the internet and become a member of their community by ‘liking’ their fan page.




 Bisexuality Is Real – It Exists


Bisexuality Is Real – It Exists is a Facebook Fan Page dedicated to educating those who want to stay informed or learn more about bisexuality. Here’s more, as described by their page information, on what they’re about…


Bisexuality isn’t confusing – Bisexuals aren’t confused

No, they’re really not – it’s people’s attitudes toward bisexuality that are confused. A bisexual is someone who is attracted to more than one gender.

Everyone accepts that it’s possible for a person to be attracted to people of more than one height, weight, hair colour, or race. For bisexuals that openness also includes gender.

Bisexuals aren’t greedy – It’s not ‘greed’ if someone likes chocolate cake and fruit salad. Greed isn’t a wide range of desire or attraction; it’s excessive attraction. Some people seem to confuse being attracted to more than one gender with being attracted to everyone. This is rather silly – it’s a bit like saying that lesbians or straight men are attracted to all women, or straight women and gay men are attracted to all men.

They’re not. Bisexuality isn’t about ‘all’ it’s about ‘either’.

Bisexuals don’t have to be equally attracted to men and women

You don’t have to be equally attracted to red-heads and brunettes to be attracted to both, and preferring lettuce to liver doesn’t make you a vegetarian, so why do some people insist that “true” bisexuals are exactly and equally attracted to men and women?

Some bisexuals prefer androgynous partners, some don’t. Some really love the differences between the sexes, others don’t see those differences. Some of us are only attracted to 5% of one gender, and 60% of the other – you don’t need to be 50/50 or have those add up to 100. And some bisexuals believe that thinking in terms of two genders is restrictive.

The gay and lesbian scene is full of bisexuals, many of whom know it’d be socially awkward to come out about their true sexuality in a biphobic atmosphere. We’re all together in our attraction to people of the same or similar genders, and in the discrimination we face for being “them” from the homophobes. For decades we’ve marched together on Gay Pride, worked in gay bars, and we’ve all been bashed for not being straight. Bisexuality needs to be recognised as part of the LGBT movement, and should be welcomed as part of the struggle for acceptance and tolerance.

LGB & T are not rigid sided boxes to stuff people into, they’re circles of overlapping light, they are a Venn diagram.

To learn more about this great community of people dedicated to providing a resource of education and awareness, find them here ——->  Bisexuality Is Real – It Exists and ‘like’ their page.




Project: OUT


One of the biggest obstacles, as we all know, is fear. That’s a hard one to overcome. The “what if” pill is a very hard one to swallow? “What if” I come out and lose all of my patients? “What if” I come out and they void my Major League contract? (ask Glenn Burke about that one) “What if” I come out and get ridiculed at school. “What if” my family rejects me if I come out? Well, what if you could come out anonymously? What if you could write a letter to dear ol’ Dad, or the guy who plays baseball on your team, or to your students and tell them your innermost feelings WITHOUT identifying who you are? Imagine the healing and growth that would come from that. The simple act of getting it out of your system and committing it to paper is therapeutic in itself. Add the shield of anonymity, and it’s a wonderful tool.

Meet Charity Smith. Charity is, in her words, a 30-year-old, half-queer lady living in Frederick, MD. Charity’s vision was to create a page where any and everyone could go and come out anonymously. And, it’s catching on. Sometimes, coming out is a very hard traumatic thing to do. It’s not always easy to sit across the dinner table and tell the family that you’re as queer as a three dollar bill. Telling the wide-receiver that you’ve been throwing to for the past three years that you think he’s really hot and that you’d love to go out with him would be right next to impossible to do. Unless you were able to do it anonymously.

Project: OUT, Charity’s creation, is exactly that; an anonymous coming out project. It encourages members of the LGBT community to share their stories safely by mailing anonymous letters to whomever it is one would feel the need to come out to. By keeping it anonymous, the writer is able to be completely open, completely honest about their feelings with the safety net of knowing that no one will ever know who wrote it. Brilliant idea.

Join Charity at her Facebook fan page here ——–>  Project: OUT




Pink Triangle Theatre


The production company Pink Triangle Theatre espouses a clear message directed towards curbing the current trend of “homophobia, bigotry, hatred and intolerance.” Such thematic content directs it’s focus and is intended to touch upon much of what human experience is like. And despite many homophobic rhetoric denying its core, the intolerance often perpetrated by main stream society onto those marginalized groups, like the LGBT community (which is thankfully growing daily), is not determined by sexual orientation. To summarize the often quoted theologian and poet, Martin Niemöller, of his poem First They Came…, manifested oppressive forces often operate under the umbrella of popular consent or lassitude due to the general tone of passivity from those that knew the persecution of a certain sect of society was wrong but did nothing to stop it.

The etymology of the name, Pink Triangle, comes from, like Mr. Niemöller, the Holocaust, in which homosexuals were forced to where a pink triangle to identify themselves. When creator of P.T.T., Paul Burgess, wrote a poem in 2009 in response to some of the horrific homophobic-motivated attacks regarding homosexuality with the Holocaust’s pink triangle in mind, he knew it would make a powerful name as a theatre company’s name.  And so it is a statement not only of remembrance but also of combating similar hatred that manifested in such dreadful and intolerant times.

The Pink Triangle Theatre attempts to bridge the gap of apathy in much of mainstream society through the ancient art of drama. With a company of talented performers and an arsenal of brilliantly powerful messages, the P.T.T. endeavor to unveil the superficially thin perception people often have about sexuality, on both sides, in their current production of “Show One” touring around in taverns, universities, theatres, and other such venues. The show examines the many pervasive mannerisms and nuances that sexuality takes on within our daily lives, with distinct social commentaries as to the prevalence in how homosexuality and homophobia are being treated within the mainstream of today. As a relatively new production company (only founded in 2010), the P.T.T. has already found a niche within the vastness of theatre within the UK, developing plans for a new musical.

And as the P.T.T. furthers it will undoubtedly prove to touch hundreds, even thousands and millions, of audience members willing to listen to their message. Sure to continue in questioning the very nature of how sexuality is treated within society, the Pink Triangle Theatre combines the best of theatre with social commentary in which you will most assuredly be glad you saw.

To learn more about PTT, become a fan of their Facebook page here —-> Pink Triangle Theatre




Support Gay Marriage Across America



Page Description:

Our mission is to raise awareness of human rights, including those who identify as gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender! Every man and every woman, regardless of his or her sexual orientation, or gender identity should have the right to be him- or herself and to marry whomever he or she loves.

In making this page, we hope to spread the word and help make same-sex marriage legal across the country! New York recently has legalized it, but marriage equality needs to be the law of the land, in every State of this Union! Help us by telling all of your friends about this Facebook page and help this movement grow!

We need to live out our founding principle that ALL are created EQUAL. No government should deny anyone the right to wed legally or deny any couple that chooses to marry access to the benefits available to other married couples! Everyone, everywhere can make a difference in supporting the GLBT community! Congress must repeal DOMA (the so-called Defense of Marriage Act). It, like DADT (Don’t Ask Don’t Tell), has no place in a democracy founded on the doctrine of EQUALITY among ALL its citizens.

Join their mission here ——>  Support Gay Marriage Across America




Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook.


Since 2010, Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook (WHOF), with a simple yet powerful message and virtual platform, has been combating the negative imagery that many gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals have to deal with on a daily basis from ignorant, uninformed and fearful bigotry. As has been evidenced by tragic reports of young people being bullied on the basis of sexuality and the increasing incidence of youth suicide, WHOF is a much needed wake up call to many out there that still refuse to allot basic human rights to human beings simply because of their sexual orientation — because they do not find the opposite sex attractive.

A descriptive note from Kevin, founder of WHOF:

Thank you for visiting Wipeout Homophobia On Facebook, I know that technically wipeout should be two words, however a “Total Wipeout” is when someone is knocked sideways from a surfboard by a wave, I see WHOF as that wave and homophobes as the surfer, surfing the internet spreading hate.

WHOF, all started on the 9th May 2010. During a search for a gay group I found two hate pages. They only had a few members , but all I could think was what if one of my family found this page and read the hate speech.

I decided to”report” both pages. Hate speech is illegal in most of the free world and is also against Facebook’s own terms of use.

I sent links to the pages to some friends so they too could report them, they replied with links to others I thought that rather than 30 of us sending each other messages, I would collate the links on one Facebook page. An hour later there were hundreds of members and by the end of the day a thousand had joined.

WHOF has become a huge gathering of LGBT support from all over the world. We educate each other. We have a lot of “straight” supporters who learn a lot about us too. This is community engagement, resource sharing, discussion, encouragement, on a global scale.

The work WHOF does could not be achieved without the admin team. They help anyone who needs it, they have a wealth of experience and are more than willing to share it.

The most important part of WHOF is the membership, those people who click to report, share stories and help to build community spirit, they are what really matters.

Long may it continue.
Kevin ‘Kel’ O’Neil

Join Kevin and his mission here at —->  Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook


**  Thank you for reading, but don’t stop here; be sure to surf our website for more article posts of your interests…or join our Facebook fan page here —->  Taboo Jive



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