Eliminate the ‘Gay Panic’ Defense from Queensland Law

Eliminate the ‘Gay Panic’ Defense from Queensland Law

Created By Paul Kelly
Maryborough, Australia

Why This Is Important

A loophole in Queensland law allows people accused of murder to defend themselves in court by claiming “gay panic” — that is, if someone who they think is gay “comes onto” them, the sheer panic they feel is partial justification for murder.

This law belongs in the dark ages –affirmed by the High Court in the notorious Green case in 1997, when a man responded to “gentle touching” by brutally murdering his victim.

The killer’s argument was this: “Yeah, I killed him, but he did worse to me.”

Just over two years ago, a man was murdered in my church’s grounds, and his killers used this same “gay panic” defence. They were eventually acquitted of murder. I’m utterly appalled that a law that so revoltingly and openly discriminates against gay people is still tolerated in a modern society. Laws like the “gay panic” defence are a crucial part of legitimising and reinforcing a culture of hate which means that 73% of gay and lesbian Queenslanders are subjected to verbal abuse or physical violence for their sexuality.

While almost all other state governments have abolished similar laws, and refuse to admit evidence of non-violent homosexual advances in murder trials, nothing has changed here. Queensland is now one of the last states upholding the idea that a person can be panicked enough by gay and lesbian people to justify murder. In addition, the mere introduction of this evidence pollutes jury deliberations. That’s why I am calling on the Queensland parliament and LNP leader Campbell Newman to eliminate this law as a partial defence for murder, and forbid non-violent homosexual advance being treated as evidence in any murder trial. This situation cannot go on.

Please sign and help eliminate this antiquated, 17th century defence from our law books.

The Labor government has failed to close this legal loophole – but current polling puts the LNP on track to win the next election. You can ask LNP leader Campbell Newman to make an election commitment to end the gay panic legal loophole on his facebook page here —-> Campbell Newman

As of 1/15/2012 they only need 900 signatures to reach their goal of 20,000. To sign the petition click here —-> Sign Petition. Thank you for your support.

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