ELECTION 2012:  I Remember America

ELECTION 2012: I Remember America

I remember a united country when MoPar and MoTown rolled out muscle cars, soul music, and humming factories that pumped liquid gold through our veins.  I remember Disco, MTV, Big Hair Bands, and the revival of capitalism.  And even though this time started to bring Global growth as well, America was one of the only countries that thrived with a strong pulse when other nations struggled.  We had a flourishing economy with happy people.  Almost every American had a job.  Women could choose to work or stay home and raise the kids without financial burden to the family unit.  Yes, the American Dream had finally become reality:  a job, a house, two cars, and 2.1 children per unit.  There was plenty of food and fuel for everyone, and none of it cost that much.

I remember a strong nation, a thriving country that was admired and envied by the rest of the world for its economic status, its military fortitude, and its freedom.  We survived wars, Mt. St. Helen, Three Mile Island, the sad demise of Challenger and our World Trade Center.  I remember an America when the states had power and control over educating our children and took care of their own, while the federal government stayed focused on foreign and domestic policies. Ah, life was good.

What happened to The American Dream?  It has gone up in smoke, and there is nothing left but smoldering embers of a great country. Presidents and the members of our Legislature having sexual affairs, covering up shit like a cat in a litter box, taking pay raises, and spending our hard-earned money on the credit card of the American People.  A government that is focused on taking and gaining more and more power; all the while never realizing the foundation of this country was cracking. Just since 1981, our Consumer Price Index has gone from 90.9 to a whopping to 231.4.  Our national debit exploded from 678 Billion to 3.8 Trillion dollars.

Today, we are a nation divided and the laughing stock of the Globe.  Blame runs rampant over the Internet and through the Media.  It was Clinton’s fault.  It was Bush’s fault.  It’s Obama’s fault.  Where does the accountability lie?  It lies with us, the American People!  We have no one to blame but ourselves. It shouldn’t matter who gets elected president of this country for we, the American People, run this country.   Yes we, the American people, are to blame for allowing our employees to do a terrible job!  WE are the boss—not them!  WE pay their paychecks.  What would happen to you if you were the CFO of a company and ran it into the ground of bankruptcy?  You most certainly would be fired.  It is up to us, the American People, to create new business, create jobs, and rebuild America again just like we’ve done in the past decades.  You scream for change?  Then, make it happen, people.

“A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have….” –attributed as words by Thomas Jefferson.

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