Dumb Grid, Dumb Congress

Dumb Grid, Dumb Congress

The 90s: twenty mass power outages a year,

Today we have a hundred, I fear.

Extreme weather events, while Congress snores,

And down a proverbial rat hole, some $50 billion pours.


A century ago, we funded progress and beyond,

And laid power grid foundations — now Congress yawns

Population rises, technology explodes,

but leaders and leadership simply implode.


Linear grids from century old dreams,

A storm tree falling shatters light beams.

Upgrades were developed  in our techy labs,

But launched in other countries, using smart tabs.


Yes, dumb like politicians, our power grid remains,

It shows no dynamics like a political reign.

A 34 minute blackout in Super Bowl tiers,

still marries more wattage than Congress in years.


Sandy spread outages through distant states,

Even in Virginia where Cantor rebates.

Blackouts continued for weeks in a row,

While Boehner demagogued, and Christy did blow.


No dynamics or smartness for our grid they say,

while for infra updates politicians say nay.

They’d rather subsidize deadbeats: the entitled rich,

whilst for campaign money politicians twitch.


Blackouts in the future will be a common scene,

until we put political hacks on permanent leave.

Hours in darkness will be weeks or more,

While additional booty, corruption will score.


Let’s power them down — self-service and greed,

and vote for a future with an inclusive creed.


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