Down The Abbott Hole: No longer turn a blind eye – Taboo Jive

Down The Abbott Hole: No longer turn a blind eye – Taboo Jive

‘Taboo Jive’ Review By: Brandon Abbott

While searching for some community blogs, I came across Taboo Jive.

This site is, as they state, is a virtual discussion board debating the controversial. And they do just that.

I browsed the site a bit, and came across some very eye-opening topics including paraphilias (look it up if you don’t know,) teen pregnancy epidemic, and even self injury. To say the least, these topics were not your typical everyday reads.

On a side note, the site is equipped with its own disclaimer tab.

After reading a few of the posts (I was nervous) I got more interested – Interested enough to sign-up, at least. I realized these posts were about real topics that we face consistently, regardless if we want to push it behind as an afterthought or actively pursue awareness.

These posts are not wimpy, light content posts either. These posts are in-depth, lengthy, meaty posts and most call for some sort of reaction or comment. I couldn’t resist giving up 60 minutes of my time browsing through the content and even posting a comment or 2. Or 3. Or 5.

Although the site hasn’t quite launched off the newbie chart, I feel it has great potential. The layout is good with complimentary fonts, the design of the title page looks smooth without being overbearing, and most importantly, the site is easily to navigate. It even comes with an RSS feed button, twitter follow button and email subscription. I did not sign up for any of them, but may consider it in the future. (I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I still was.) Of course, retweeting your favorite (or most hated) posts is also an option.

For the next week I kept trying to think of something good, something racy to post. But seeing the juicy content on the site I realized I would need to dig deeper into the let’s-not-venture-there zone. I never got to that point, but I do think this site is something I will be interested in following. As I type this I have a Taboo Jive page open with a title that reads “Virgins: Give it Up.”

If controversial topics float your boat, this site is a definite must. Since it’s so new, I feel that very active users may get a chance to be administrators or at least comment reviewers for spam and harassment. There’s a lot of room for harassment.

‘Say your piece’ the title says. Untimely, I will. Again, these topics are those some people turn a blind eye to; topics mothers and fathers won’t dare talk with their children about. I say it’s time to be educated.

Are you too scared?

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