Declare our Independence Again

Declare our Independence Again

On this approaching Day of Independence, we as the majority have great tasks before us. We must re-evaluate that independence, especially from despots among us who would take it away.

A country’s Constitution is supposed to set standards for a its government and its citizens, and is especially important in a democracy where one of the highest and most important standards is fair and equal treatment of all citizens, especially within its established legal system.

When that precept is violated by the country’s highest authority, in this case the Supreme Court of the United States, and there seems to be no way to immediately hold them accountable, we must consider the six unelected malefactors illegitimate and declare our independence from them.

On July 4th, 1776, America’s forefathers found the same solution. They declared independence from their tormentor, the King of England. In the same manner we must declare our independence from the six unelected tyrants and the would-be king they defend? A trail of fraud and corruption tainted the appointments of the six, including their would-be king.

Three were appointed by the would-be king who committed criminal fraud, sought help from a foreign enemy, and forged deception to attain his position of authority. All six were selected and financed by dark money and have displayed bias, one even illegitimate, appointed and confirmed with dishonor and foul play. Two were proven to have taken bribes by rich donors who benefited through majority rulings and the same two consistently fail to recuse themselves in compromised cases.

All six justices openly defend this would-be king, outrageously delaying his trial regarding his open attempt to other-throw the same government whose Constitution he solemnly pledged to defend. They have not allowed the people’s court to prove him innocent or guilty, even while the would-be king continues to put the country and its appointed officials in jeopardy through lies, threats, and subterfuge.

Their abuses, their corruption, stretch back many years reaching a crescendo of shame when they, in effect, like paid associates, ruled our would-be king above the law.

In a few short years, these same six unelected justices, who can put us in jeopardy for a lifetime, have, in essence, declared war on our rights and in their various equivocally unconstitutional decisions, have most likely led to the death of innocent citizens, at the least causing untold suffering among innocents, young and old.

Their decisions caused high risk and death during a deadly pandemic, declared easily accessible, deadly weapons of war legal, gave corporations the freedom to poison our air and water, made money an unlimited & shrouded vote, took away the vote from mostly non-white citizens, and stripped health care rights from deathly-ill people, especially women.

Our country has strayed from these precepts of equality in the past, but never with a whole political party joining in the effort to upend our democracy and backed by a renegade majority on the Supreme Court, through word and deed, who pursue their own interests and preferences.

First, before we can find redress with the election, we must declare their most outrageous decisions null and void in free states not controlled by the renegade party that supports the insurrectionist king.

Secondly, we must overcome this party’s attempts to control the election and come out in force to expel the control of the traitorous party at the national level and allow the more honorable party, the Democrats, to restore democratic order.

Trump, the vicious tyrant, must be soundly defeated, removed from public discourse, and finally face justice.

Trump makes it clear that he means to ravage our freedoms and our rights, and is bent on retribution against so-called enemies using unrestricted powers illegally granted by his majority backers on the Supreme Court.

We must remove the threat of the six renegades on the court, declaring our independence through our vote, our expression of power given to us by the same Constitution that the Republican Party and the Supreme Court majority consistently dishonor, Republican members with their depravity and lies and the court majority with their fractional and self-serving rulings.

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