Dark Energy

Dark Energy


By:  Jim Hoover

I am an amateur student of cosmology, and I see parallels between the universe and the everyday world in which we live. Let the associated graph be your guide.

The material world, at least what we can see, is composed of four percent of the universe; yet an infinitesimal portion of us control the destiny of the rest, engineering the force of dark energy to the tune of 73 percent of  our universe.

For example, to me, dark energy is represented by Republican and neo-conservative forces. Gravity and Dark Matter is us. We allow the conservative influence to be as dominant as Dark Energy is in the whole universe, represented above.

Dark energy in the universe is stretching space and pulling all galaxies farther and farther apart. The farther away we are from other galaxies, the greater the pull to tear us apart. In other words, distance apart strengthens the force that tears us apart. Only Gravity and dark matter is currently holding our galaxy of life together.

Some cosmologists say that eventually, in billions of years, dark energy will rip everything apart, including atoms, destroying the ordered and prosperous life that we know.

Dark Energy has increased its sway over gravity (and dark matter) over the last seven billion years, about half of the universe’s life.

The destructive force of  neo-conservatives has increased over the last three to four decades, fed by power and money.

Like the force of dark energy upon galaxies, and in some cases, clusters of galaxies, the farther away the people get from one another the more powerful is the dark force that Republicans use. Much of the separation involves the successes of conservative polarization tactics, including tactics of fear, indoctrination, and rancor.

Some cosmologists think that gravity and dark matter will eventually win the tug of war and draw the universe back together. Of course, the result for the universe is the “Big Crunch” some billions of years in the future.

That is where I see the analogy ending, for the return of our gravity will bring peace and prosperity for all.

But let’s provide some examples of the tiny sliver, perhaps two percent of people matter, that controls us.

Republican governors, like many puppets under the control of powerful business interests, like Koch Industries, initiated programs of dark energy to rip apart public unions while enlarging propaganda campaigns to vilify unions among the people, people who were hurt severely by the great recession. Ironically, it was principally caused by many of the very same puppet masters.

“Budget cuts to save our states,” is the false cry of the puppet, Republican governors. A similar cry comes from lobbyist-owned Republicans at the national level.

John Boehner and his Republican majority in the House of Representatives have joined the puppet ranks to divide and destroy.

Before the budget fight erupted, Boehner’s dark clones (sounds like Star Wars, doesn’t it?) waged cultural wars, mostly against women, supposedly to divide, like dark energy, the forces of gravity that keeps us together.

Now, the attack is against the middle class and vindictively against Obama.

The budget cuts they propose are all against the poor and the middle class, but are centered against the EPA, Wall Street regulation, gas price manipulation, and, of all things, the control of nuclear weapons. All but the latter are puppet-master goals to avoid any restrictions on gouging the people.

The cuts to nuclear security would cut some $600 million dollars from efforts to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists.

Not being able to believe that Republicans are pro-terrorist or anti-American, I tend to believe they are using these cuts as leverage to cause Obama and Democrats to cave again, granting cuts to vital funding for restraining monolithic corporations from polluting our environment, increasing gas prices through speculation, despoiling our food with chemicals, and generally gouging us through their continued risk-taking activities.

Astrophysicists have determined  that dark energy is gaining strength. The farther away galaxies get, the stronger it gets. Accordingly, divide and conquer has always been a tactic of tyrants in subjugating others.

In Wisconsin, for example, Republican governor Scott Walker targeted teachers for union-busting, but not police or firemen. He didn’t figure that the police and firemen would join the teachers in fighting the union-busting.

In our neighborhood, the return of the strength of gravity is being demonstrated by hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in states throughout the Midwest, people who are fighting the destruction of their economic and political force.

The dark forces are being stymied in these places; but recently, the unified gravity of the middle class seems to have a short history of strength. For our universe, it was some seven billion years, a short time cosmologically.

What will be gravity’s period of strength in our nation? It could be only a few months.

Time will tell, perhaps as soon as the next election.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. MFer! This says everything I try so desperately to explain to the massive amounts of conservative idiots I am surrounded by on a daily basis! But again they represent the stupididty of America.
    Our true enemy are those fat CEO’s cutting jobs and living off the rest of us low-life blue collar workers! At least we have our dignity and integrity of hard work! It is the only reason why I can sleep at night not knowing whether I will have a job tomorrow.
    Thank you thank you so much for writing this article! i will share a thousand times on FB.

    1. Thanks, Raelea. I can never forget my working class origin.

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