“You’ve got to be taught/To hate and fear, /You’ve got to be taught /From year to year, /It’s got to be drummed /In your dear little ear /You’ve got to be carefully taught.” ~Oscar Hammerstein (“You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught,” from South Pacific)
A teenager named Sarah Crank recently submitted a video to the Maryland State Legislature, in which she said, it “would be the best birthday present ever if you would vote no on gay marriage.” Sarah claimed, with the passion only a seasoned adult of fourteen can muster, that she feels bad “for the kids who have two parents of the same gender . . . [and] even though some kids feel it’s fine, they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on . . .” She went on to conclude, “people have the choice to be gay, but I don’t want to be affected by their choice.” Sarah does not appear in the video, and from the audio, it is evident that she is either reading, or has memorized, her lines.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney expanded on his opposition to marriage equality with this statement: “for society as a whole, that the nation presumably will—would be better off—if children are raised in a setting where there’s a male and a female.” This presumption flies in the face of research that has shown that kids with same-sex parents grow up just as well adjusted and productive as kids in two-gender households. Romney is not alone among Republican candidates who routinely and repeatedly denounce homosexuality as an immoral lifestyle, assert that same-sex marriage will threaten opposite-sex marriage, and include in their campaign platform—to varying degrees of specificity—promises that if elected they will make sure that marriage equality never goes forward on their watch.
In the past couple of weeks alone, five children (that I know about), who had suffered relentless homophobic bullying by their peers, took their own precious, young lives.
Our children learn at our knees; they repeat what they hear. If we teach them that hate is okay, that those who look, or worship, or love differently from us deserve to be targets of bullying, how can we expect them not to behave as if hating is just another game in the schoolyard?
More schools and organizations are engaging in the fight against bullying, and their efforts are crucial and are showing signs of success. We can hope these valiant groups are reaching a generation who will grow up to accept and embrace diversity. But as long as the parents of these students are sending misinformed and brainwashed children like young Sarah to plead for the government to legislate hate, and as long as politicians, clergy, and other so-called leaders are garnering support and votes on an argument of hate, there will be no end to this tragic cycle of bullying and suicide. Hate must be nipped in the bud, where it begins: at home.
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Children Will Listen,
18 Feb 2012This is wonderful! And so true! Love as well as hate begins at home.
19 Feb 2012Romney says ““for society as a whole, that the nation presumably will—would be better off—if children are raised in a setting where there’s a male and a female.” ” SERIOUSLY??? What makes him think that an ideal setting for a child is simply to be raised by both sexes?? How many children come from broken homes, or live IN a broken home with a father and mother who argue and fight? This is the most ridiculous statement I’ve heard in a LONG time. Having parents of opposite sexes does NOT ensure a loving, stable home for a child. He’s a self-righteous windbag and it’s time to EVOLVE or get out already! This is crap from decades ago… it’s time has run out!
S. Rose
19 Feb 2012I loved it! I did not have an idea that a child was brainwashed into doing this. This is a more than better example: Parents who are married “as it should be”, using their kids as means to an end, molding them in their hatred and moving them as pawns to change what society has come to realize is not such a horrific thing, the embrace of the LGTBQ community. The parents who did this are the best representation of why having a female and male influence at home is NOT symbol of a stable household or good education. I would be surprised if this little girl won’t become the next Troy Horse for this family. They are despicable. The more they fight, the more ammunition we gain to show them how wrong they are.
19 Feb 2012Here’s a thought… Maybe our government shouldn’t have a say at all in who can marry who. They shouldn’t have the right to say that a woman can’t marry another woman or a man another man. Government should keep it’s nose out of the private lives of its citizens. They don’t have the right to tell me that I have to attend a certain denominational church (or any church at all) so they shouldn’t have a say here. Just my two cents.
19 Feb 2012Experience teaches to hate and fear as well as social learning.
19 Feb 2012I’m really scared about what’s going to happen in the next election
none of the GOP candidates support gay marriage, but at least Ron Paul will leave it up to the states whereas the leaders of the GOP race, Romney and Santorum, want a constitutional ban on it. And Idk how much Obama stands a chance for another term. So sad for our future! We need to vote bc our opinions do matter and this is a huge election for us especially bc our marriage equality movement has just gained momentum!
19 Feb 2012Always vote what you believe is the correction to a problem. We are allowed to vote !Only control your little piece , be a mentor to others as you live you personal life. People will follow money, but god doesn’t need a loan, your mission is to give to the needy in yoyr voice. Let your voice be heard not silent!!!!!Vote Vote
19 Feb 2012NJ State Assembly Passed The Marriage Equality Bill…
After two hours of debate, some of it heated, the assembly passed bill A1 by a vote of 42-33.
Governor Christie has said he will veto the bill if it reaches his desk, and he has called for a referendum.
19 Feb 2012Love thy neighbour on one hand and hate thy neighbour on the other? It doesn’t make sense.
20 Feb 2012I finally figured it out…the reason right-wingers ignore the studies that show kids in families with parents of the same gender do just as well as their counterparts in with “traditional” families. Here it is. I know you’re waiting with open jaws. They don’t want marriage equality for 2 main reasons. 1, kids will grow up more open-minded and won’t be as easily brainwashed into hating people that aren’t the “typical” people (meaning everyone not like them); and 2, they’d have to concede that us “sick, twisted, perverted, gays, and lesbians” can actually parent just as well if not better than the sick, twisted perverted, straights.