Crime and Punishment for the Younger Set

This past June the Supreme Court overturned mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole for minors on the grounds that it constituted “cruel and unusual punishment” under the 8th amendment.  This comes on the heels of similar humanitarian rulings, such as getting rid of the death penalty for…

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The Secret Language

By Christopher Bryant, Guest writer for Wipe Out Homophobia In 1950s Britain, when it was a punishable offence to be homosexual, a slang called Polari flourished. Polari provided a way for gay people to talk to each other in code. If you wanted to say to a friend, for…

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The Door to Anderson Cooper’s Glass Closet

“To be closeted is to be ‘dishonest,’ to be out, ‘making a big deal.’ It's not just about the fundamentalists and the queer-bashers—good, decent liberal people with the best of intentions can make negotiating the heterosexual world tiring, traumatising and even occasionally dangerous.” ~blogger tiger beatdown RIFF (spoken): I…

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Male Circumcision: A Necessary Cut?

Circumcision (the removal of some or all of the foreskin of a male's penis) made headlines again in Cologne, Germany this week where a court ruled it illegal to circumcise an infant for religious reasons regardless of parental consent.  This new law was apparently brought on by the case…

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Finding My Religion

Thirty years has passed since I read "Are You There God? It's Me Margaret" by Judy Blume and I am still enthralled by Margaret’s dilemma because I have the same problem. The book is about a girl in sixth grade that grew up without a religious affiliation. Her mother…

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A Speech Given At the 1st Annual Stonewall Vigil In Vermont by: Meg Tamulonis

A Speech Given At the 1st Annual Stonewall Vigil In Vermont by: Meg Tamulonis

I became aware of the “Stonewall Riots” through Pride marches and protests while growing up in New York City in the 1970s and 1980s.

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