Edge of the Unknown

This is an article about self-harming, from someone who regularly self-harms. The point of this article is to try and explain why I do it, what it means for me and how I see a future for myself without harming. This is a long history, and I will be graphic, and if…

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White Supremacy, Reality TV, and The African-American Woman
image credit: thestylefeed.com

White Supremacy, Reality TV, and The African-American Woman

The history of African-American women in America is one in which there has been much joy and a lot of pain. It is not easy being a woman in this society, particularly an African-American woman because they have three strikes against them. They are women, strike one. They belong to…

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No real genius at the top, just ruthless privilege

You often hear egregious chatter by apologists for the wealthy, conspicuously mouthed by puppeteers of the rich, who almost exclusively come from the Republican Party. They say that the opulent are the ultimate god-given product of a meritocracy. The corporate executives (like Jamie Dimon, CEO of Chase, for example)…


Some Are More Equal Than Others: Q & A With the Child of a Gay Parent

This week the Supreme Court continues it's argument on weather lesbian and gay couples have the right to marry in The United States.  While equal rights, justice and the obvious morality of not excluding a group based on their sexual preference is all well and good, most intriguing are…

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Triple Consciousness and the Black Woman

W.E.B Du Bois was a brilliant man. He was an important contributing factor to the new social science named sociology and one of the greatest writers of the African American experience. He introduced the concept of “Double Consciousness”, the way that African Americans viewed themselves, individually and as a…

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Dirt to Dirt
Vicki Soto

Dirt to Dirt

What other reaction are we supposed to experience when learning of the atrocity committed in Connecticut on Friday? When an event occurs such as the one that took the lives of 27 people at an elementary school just after morning class had started, and when a situation exists that practically mandates…

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Imposter Boy
Maybe if I jerk off over this picture enough times I'll start to look like it?

Imposter Boy

I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of our culture's definition of 'Man'. Look around at all the men on posters and billboards, in music videos and movies, in books and magazines, and what do you see? One of two portrayals: either the men are…

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It’s Lizard Brain versus Critical Thinking

Those who consume news about the Taliban’s war on female education, like the shooting of Malala Yousufzai,  perhaps don’t realize it’s a more widespread attack on education, considering the frequent destruction of school buildings in Pakistan and Afghanistan. At least 600,000 children in northwestern Pakistan alone have missed a…

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