Francoise von Trapp on Tyranny

My friends often wonder why I roll my eyes whenever they send me ‘Sound of Music’ references. They tell me - “it’s such a great movie! You’re famous!”What they don’t get is that the true story is a far cry from the lighthearted musical, in which my father's family…

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Maga’s Deep State by Greg Sargent

How GOP Senators Are Secretly Getting Ready to Surrender to Trump Trump wants to turn the FBI into something so draconian that the political press many not grasp it until it’s too late. And Republican senators are already giving themselves cover to go along with all of it. It’s…

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Declare our Independence Again

On this approaching Day of Independence, we as the majority have great tasks before us. We must re-evaluate that independence, especially from despots among us who would take it away. A country’s Constitution is supposed to set standards for a its government and its citizens, and is especially important…

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Corporate Elite Put us on this Path of Doom

Trump is America’s most immediate threat to democracy’s dissolution. His violent rhetoric poses a looming peril to humanity. Like Hitler before him, whom he mimics in his populist rallies, hateful vitriol pours forth to poison mind and soul. If we survive this onslaught of hate and revenge from this…

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Time to Apply Open Scientific Study to UFOs

When UFOs are observed, media coverage is based on what will draw public interest, often citing stories they can sell with snide remarks or prompts for comic attention. News chiefs fear opening themselves to ridicule or inviting mockery or derision. Such a policy has been guided by past experience,…

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Smash and Grab

Brask, daring, in-your-face lawlessness -- it reminds you of Donald Trump. Among broad-daylight Nordstrom shoppers, thirty masked shoplifters made what is a common misdemeanor an outrageous, eye-popping violent crime, glass display cases crashing to the floor like explosives, grabbing $100,000 worth of expensive items. Such “smash-and-grab robberies” are becoming…

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Party of Toxic Tomfoolery

The Republican Party is now essentially a wasteland where political hacks must go for the allure of a well-financed political career. With over fifty years of tampering with a functional structure of a working democracy, once open to vibrant change, corporate leaders have profusely financed and created an agency…

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Investigative Journalism is Dying

Independent investigative journalism is on its deathbed. Truthtellers like Pro-publica, Mother Jones, Common Dreams, Truthdig, MoveOn, The Nation, the Prospect, and many more are non-profit and independent. They depend on contributions from the public, along with all charities and non-profits who have their hands out. Most of the in-depth…

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Do Not Give Up on the USA!

If you believe in freedom. If you want to believe in the United States of America. And if you are disturbed about the course it is taking, do not choose to be silent, and in despair and loathing of those Republican leaders who violate our freedoms and mock those…

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Crime & No Punishment Yet

There are 3 likely scenarios for the Biden classified documents debacle: 1) Biden was so haphazard in handling and supervising the use of classified documents that they were left in personal places in his domiciles. 2) Trump party operatives were paid out of the mostly-corporate largesse he and the…

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