The Will to Comfort

By: Eddie Vince It was Albert Camus that postulated that we must look at Sisyphus, the Ancient Greek myth of a king punished by the gods to roll the same boulder up a hill for eternity, and picture him as happy. Camus looked into the face of the absurdity…

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Cannabis: The American Sacrament

By Kenny Smith In an intriguing piece written for the New York Times, journalist David Segal traces out some of the early consequences of President Obama’s October 2009 announcement that federal law enforcement will no longer prosecute users and suppliers of medical marijuana, provided they are in compliance with…


Why You Shouldn’t be Scared of Anonymous

By: Malachi Cane First and foremost, let me explain that I am in no way shape or form a spokesperson or representative of Anonymous. Ironically, this article’s thesis is exactly that: no one is the spokesperson of Anonymous, because for that to be true, Anonymous would have to be…

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The Prince: Perceptual Misguidance

By: Geoffrey Yonil Machiavelli's "The Prince" is an intriguing text. Both historically and politically, it represents a fascinating study into the mindset of early 16th-century Florentine politics. But Machiavelli's message has often times been misinterpreted. Either out of bad translations or the author's sarcasm being distilled from generation to…

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