By: James Daniels With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States became the world’s only superpower. During the remainder of the decade, the US economy flourished and things went reasonably well both internally and externally for the US. However, things have changed dramatically since then…

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Hate Crime

By: J. Kam I recently became aware of a horrific crime which occurred in January 2007 in Knoxville, Tennessee. I live in another state and was told about this by my husband who read an article online. The crime to which I refer to is the brutal torture and…

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Revisiting Kurt Cobain’s Death

By: James Daniels Listen to any rock station on the radio and you may think Nirvana is alive and well. Their hits are still playing widely across most major radio stations. Likewise, you can still find their albums at any major retailer. Thus, to any Nirvana fan out there,…

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NBC Universal, Comcast Merge

One of the most common supporting arguments of mergers is that mergers create more efficient, more effective entities producing a better end product for its consumers. This argument defies basic logic when it comes to the motivation of a company. With a dominant market share of an industry, there is a seeming lack of external factors that would motivate firms to produce at their best.

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