Pentagon Investigates Itself: ‘We are Innocent’

By Tom Hastings @ Hastings on Nonviolence The US military message machine never sleeps, is everywhere, and spends $billions on being dominant in the category of conflict turn-to sources for members of the American mainstream media. Editors want experts and they want experts who have been on the ground…

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U.S. Troop Suicides Exceed War Deaths

By: Victoria Manuel From video at the bottom: "In 2010, 468 US troops committed suicide which surpassed the 462 US troops that were killed in combat that year. The number of troops committing suicide has been on the rise and many blame it on soldiers feeling detached from reality.…

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The End Of The U.S.A.

Shared by Tom Hastings @ Hasting on Nonviolence Back in 1977 The New York Times began taking polls of how Americans feel about Congress. Not until this week, with the clearly craven Congressional inability to stand up for the rights and aspirations of average Americans, has the disapproval rating…

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Bernie Sanders via “The Christian Left”

Click the pic to enlarge -----> Join 'The Christian Left' facebook fan page As perhaps one of the only senators currently sitting in Congress as a self-proclaimed democratic socialist (which is entirely different from socialism), Sanders has surfaced as a figurehead for a continuingly growing population of dissatisfied protestors in…

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Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran

An informative look into a very controversial topic and lack of corporate ethics with regards to 'back door business deal tactics' by companies like Halliburton. "Halliburton, the notorious U.S. energy company, sold key nuclear-reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005,…

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Republicans: Burn Baby, Burn! By Jim Hoover As if the Republicans haven’t done enough already to trash the American people, indeed our country, considering attacks on women and Planned Parenthood, attacks on regulating Wall Street, cuts to spending for the vulnerable, voting to end Medicare, starving education, trying to kill voting in…

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