Cool it, Barack!

Syrian President Bashar Assad allegedly used chemical weapons against his own people, leaving a sickening sight of carnage, some 1400 innocent men, women and children dead, others twitching in neurological agony. We do not know if President Obama will feel compelled – politically, morally, or in an effort to…

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GOP Scorched Earth Policy to Kill Health Care

If American voters would make Republicans pay for their odious misdeeds, most of our governing problems would be over. There is a lot to be despised about Republican rhetoric and Republican actions, but probably the most reprehensible at this time is their plan to destroy government along with the…

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Better Angels of our Nature

Even before the Trayvon Martin verdict, if we were really “touched by the better angels of our nature,” as Abraham Lincoln once said, we would know that the state of race in America is just one symptom of the sad state of America. Though black Americans are prominent, often…

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Skewer the Women; Join the Kochs

A Harvard graduate and former Marine says gays are “perverted” and “very sick people psychologically, mentally, and emotionally.” Obama has “Muslim sensibilities.” Planned Parenthood can be compared to the KKK. Bishop E.W. Jackson is running for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia as a Republican. Ken Cuccineli, the Republican candidate for…

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Some Are More Equal Than Others: Q & A With the Child of a Gay Parent

This week the Supreme Court continues it's argument on weather lesbian and gay couples have the right to marry in The United States.  While equal rights, justice and the obvious morality of not excluding a group based on their sexual preference is all well and good, most intriguing are…

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Dirt to Dirt
Vicki Soto

Dirt to Dirt

What other reaction are we supposed to experience when learning of the atrocity committed in Connecticut on Friday? When an event occurs such as the one that took the lives of 27 people at an elementary school just after morning class had started, and when a situation exists that practically mandates…

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