Fat, Dumb and Happy! Has Much changed since this was written?

by Jim Hoover Conservative America would like to keep the bulk of Americans fat, dumb and happy. That is the outgrowth of the conservative building of a proto-fascist country, dominated by large corporations. Activity in Republican-controlled states and the House of Representatives, show the ideas of right-wing corporations like…


Ignorance and the Debt Ceiling

by Jim Hoover The ignorance of too many radical Republicans in the at-one-time esteemed House of Representatives is positively staggering. A growing number of Republicans believe that defaulting on our debt is no big deal. Plausible explanations for this folly include the deliberate polarization of the electorate, the run-amuck…

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Republicans: Burn Baby, Burn!

http://www.examiner.com/this-day-history-in-national/cuyahoga-river-on-fire By Jim Hoover As if the Republicans haven’t done enough already to trash the American people, indeed our country, considering attacks on women and Planned Parenthood, attacks on regulating Wall Street, cuts to spending for the vulnerable, voting to end Medicare, starving education, trying to kill voting in…

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Prepare for Global Depression?

By Jim Hoover Most Americans are totally unaware that 60 Republican members of the House of Representatives control our economic destiny, our livelihood, perhaps for years to come, after August 2nd, 2011. In essence, the Tea Party Caucus seems to control whether our country defaults on its debt or…

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Caylee’s Law: The Flaws of Mob Justice

By: John Thinch After the not guilty verdict of Casey Anthony, America responded in the only way it knew how: changing its Facebook and Twitter statuses to PO'd and drumming up some ridiculous federal law that would further curtail civil liberties. Many expressed how we should change the Fifth…

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Idiocy and Luxury

By Jim Hoover It is unmitigated idiocy to be cutting the federal budget now with over a 9% national unemployment rate. We need more investment spending on infrastructure, education, and manufacturing technology. Miscreant Republicans are controlling the debate on this topic. They know that sitting presidents normally have difficulty…

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America: Fiddling Toward Decline

By Jim Hoover You remember hearing the legend that depicted Roman Emperor Nero as fiddling while Rome burned and was mostly destroyed by fire in 64 AD? The truth of the legend is irrelevant. What is relevant is that corruption and narcissism were endemic in Roman society at the…

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Cantor and Kyl: Clowns for the Rich?

By Jim Hoover Two clowns, Rep. Eric Cantor and Senator John Kyl, performers for their real ringmasters, the rich, walked out of bicameral bipartisan debt ceiling talks. Ironically, the elephant in the meeting room still remained. Not the Republicans, but the obvious fact that these meetings, for the Republicans,…

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