
By: Janice Thurill Collapse is the story of how modern society could probably take a drastic turn for the worse. And it's narrated by Michael Ruppert. Most people call Michael Ruppert a conspiracy theorist because they don't like his ideas, because they don't fit into their picture-perfect world, and…

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Shall We Blow Up Mountains?

By Jim Hoover Unlike traditional coal mining, dynamiting the tops of pristine mountains to extract coal, permanently alters the beauty of the landscape. The Appalachian Mountain System, running 2000 miles from Newfoundland to central Alabama, has graced the landscape of what is the eastern US today, originally formed…

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Fall From Grace

By: John Dyndril Fall From Grace is perhaps one of the most comprehensive looks at the Westboro Baptist Church and its followers, including extensive interviews with Fred Phelps (the minister for the church), his followers—which is almost ninety-percent just the rest of the Phelps family—and experts ranging from Biblical…

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Banksy’s Coming to Dinner

By Jeremy Mydril At first thought I wanted to blast this film for being so horrible. Badly acted, awkward, forced dialogue, a ridiculous premise, and without thinking about what the film was trying to accomplish it seems like it was just a whole bunch of British celebrities attempting to…

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The Trotsky

 By: Jeremy Mydril Imagine what it would look like if Leon Trotsky was reincarnated into a seventeen-year-old Canadian high school student who tries to unionize the students of his public high school, and that's what 'The Trotsky' was all about. Leon Bronstein (played by Jay Baruchel) is a disenfranchised…

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Sucker Punch

By: Victor Sornovich It's not surprising to find out that Zack Snyder, the director behind 300 and Watchmen, wrote and directed Sucker Punch. It becomes most obvious in the slow-motion action sequences layered in CGI animation and special effects. And the lack in dialogue (or good, meaningful dialogue not…

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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

By: Thomas Filkerie When I was first told that I just had to watch a silent film, that it would be for my benefit, I probably had the same reaction that most would have for the past fifty years: Why can't I just watch a film where the actors…

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By: Lionel Pondsmith "The greatest con that [the ego] ever pulled was making you believe that he is you." While not one of Guy Ritchie's most commercially well-known films, the 2005 film Revolver certainly exemplifies why Ritchie is one of the best cult film directors. Going back to his…


The Big Kahuna

By: Ingril Stobenich There are certain movies that don't need special effects and CGI to move you, to remind you that there is a certain beauty in simplicity. The Big Kahuna does just that. Made back in '99, the film starred Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito, and Peter Facinelli. There…

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