Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think

By: Samuel Bontin Illogical Thoughts by Someone Too Young to Think is the first book of author Robert Mynatt, a young writer with few pretentions of his writing ability, and who happens to write for Taboo Jive as well. Illogical Thoughts is the inception of a fledgling career that…

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A Defense of Modern Art

By: Keith Bipp Modern art has received some of the most brutal criticisms, mostly from those who were never really interested in art to begin with. This is mostly prompted out of a misunderstanding of what artist like Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, Pablo Picasso, and Jackson Pollack, Andy…

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Science and Math: Perils of Modern Thought

By: Daniel Bisch Does science and mathematics accurately reflect the reality of life? Of course, this is opposed to subverting essential qualities of life. Can it be arguably asserted that science and math even have a rightful place within society? The question might seem obvious, and you may think…

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Great Ancient African Civilizations

There have been many misconceptions about the lives of Africans before the advent of European and American colonization. According to some historians, Africans were nothing more than savages whose only contributions to the world were farming and slaves. However, this is not true. The history of ancient Africa is…

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