Equality Starts in the Classroom

According to the Center for Disease Control, just having a gay straight alliance group in a school dramatically decreases depression, marijuana and alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts and unexcused absences, imagine the positive outcome if an inclusive history were taught.

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The Scarlet Letters of the GMC

When asked how long the GMC has held a tenuous relationship with the larger Mennonite conference and ruling bodies, Pastor Amy laughed, “For over 325 years!” The GMC was removed as a conference member in 1997 and again in 2002 for full inclusion of sexual minorities, once for baptizing a gay man and then for ordaining a gay man.

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The Lamest Duck

Since our government has no fixed term of office (unlike most civilised nations), Cameron can push back his termination of office to 2015, but how he could ever rescue the possibility of re-election seems non-existent. (I say 're-election' for sake of argument; the reality is no one voted for this Frankenstein's monster of a government.)

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Slow Food Movement

No, a fast food society will inevitably fail. It’s an absolute certainty that any society that bases its nutritional and food security on a dancing clown with red hair to match his shoes, accompanied by an assortment of other indoctrinal characters based on a 1960s bad acid trip, will destroy itself on the sheer weight—becoming too big to succeed.

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