Fed Up

By: James Daniels Next time you spend a dollar, take a few seconds to read it. At the top, in the middle, you will notice that it says “Federal Reserve Note.” What does this mean? The following is a brief history and explanation of the Federal Reserve that you…


Are Humans the Homeliest Species?

By: EinsteinLite Recently my girlfriend and I watched a documentary about the Himalayas which centered on the amazing creatures of the Tibetan plateau. While getting an up-close view of the visage of the Himalayan fox, we were both struck by the symmetry, color coordination and regal features of this…

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I Loved You Until I Friended You

I Loved You Until I Friended You

By: Gina Volpe New studies released show that one in five divorce petitions cites Facebook. Well, duh. Aside from the obvious conclusion that Facebook allows you to spot and then divorce the jerks who feature acoustic guitars in their default photos and post badly-written, inane status updates; communicating with…

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