Far Left Culture

By: Eugene Malwrick What does it mean to be considered far left in modern society? Previously, that question would be identified with liberal individuals who emphasized the collective good, such as unions' benefit of collective bargaining rights, protesting unfair conditions, and the general mass of society acting with conscionable…

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STOP Teenage Suicide

By: Thomas Drendil STOP Teenage Suicide is a group of heartfelt, genuine and understanding people banding together on facebook offering community and hope to those feeling lost, alone and/or confused about their purpose and direction in life. Supported by Kevin O'Neil at Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook; 'STOP Teenage Suicide'…

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Search Warrants: Know your Rights!

Virginia and West Virginia police have a reputation not only for being sticklers on the law but for being incredible assholes. Be careful driving through these two states because they very rarely will have any mercy on you. How it is that some of these people (cops) ever get…

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Get Off – FOXY (1978)

Not only does it fit our theme but it's a fun song from back in the day. Try not to dance in your seat! I always thought this was a group of woman, ha! The 70's disco/pop-rock era always makes me smile. Enjoy! - TJ YouTube's write up is…

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