The Bully Versus the Bully Pulpit

In May I wrote about the troubling homophobic bullying incident in which Mitt Romney was the ringleader when but a high school lad, back in 1965. My suggestion, and many others’, was that Romney’s inability (or unwillingness) to own up to his youthful misdeeds (most of us have done…


Wipe Out Transphobia: Emma Bailey

Shared via Wipe Out Homophobia After Wipe Out Transphobia's recent rise in popularity and boost in numbers, I asked the creator, Emma Bailey if she wouldn't mind giving us a little more background on her page, community and mission.... 1. What made YOU become an online activist? After I came out,…

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This Year’s Olympics

Any foreigner in Britain in 2012 must think the country was going through another world war. The amount of jingoism, flag-waving, anthem singing and hyperbole spilling out of the national media has gone into overdrive, suddenly proclaiming this country to be the 'greatest country ever', a claim that hasn't been…

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Mr. Mulberry

I am one of those unusual anomalies you find when thinking of political and ideological combinations: a male feminist. I proudly follow and support feminist voices, organisations, individuals and legislation in Britain, as well as the international feminist movements (such as increasing awareness of the Republican Party's war on…

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By Midnite Writer I was appalled to learn today that a biggie e-publisher and selected ghost writers are on a mission to re-writing famous, classic literary works of art in a format that would spice them up.  Having read these classic novels in high school, I find this to…


The Secret Language

By Christopher Bryant, Guest writer for Wipe Out Homophobia In 1950s Britain, when it was a punishable offence to be homosexual, a slang called Polari flourished. Polari provided a way for gay people to talk to each other in code. If you wanted to say to a friend, for…

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